This library is meant to be used together with kiwicom/iam for user authorization, and IAP for authentication.
Permissions are defined as Okta groups. IAM parses (and caches) these groups, and returns the relevant permissions for each user, based on the the service requesting the data.
For authentication through IAP you can use the express
middleware as in the
example below.
import { authenticationMiddleware } from "@kiwicom/iam";
const options = {
// These two fields are mandatory and are used to check what service
// is the token intended for (audience).
iapProjectNumber: process.env.IAP_PROJECT_NUMBER,
iapServiceID: process.env.IAP_SERVICE_ID,
const app = express();
// Routes created here will be unauthenticated.
// Routes created here will be authenticated.
You will need a service token for Kiwi IAM.
Your user agent should be in the format
service/version (organization environment)
( ( sandbox)
). -
email: if using directives the user email should be set in context, if using GraphQL-JS it should be passed to
.Either way, it is recommended to use the authentication part of this library to set the email in context, or to extract it from the token after it's verified.
# import * from '@kiwicom/iam/AuthorizationDirective.graphql'
type Query {
paymentCard: String @requires(permission: "")
type Mutation{
updatePaymentCard(input: PaymentCardInfo!) @requires(permission: "payment-card.write")
import { authorizationDirective } from "@kiwicom/iam";
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
schemaDirectives: {
requires: authorizationDirective({
serviceUserAgent: "Overseer/f7a1295 ( sandbox)",
emailPath: "userEmail", // path for getting user email in context, default is 'iapEmail'
iamURL: process.env.KIWI_IAM_URL,
iamToken: process.env.KIWI_IAM_TOKEN,
NOTE: do not forget to await
for isUserAuthorized
, otherwise it will
always evaluate to true (being async it returns a Promise, and objects in JS
evaluate to true).
import { isUserAuthorized } from "@kiwicom/iam";
const serviceUserAgent = "Overseer/f7a1295 ( sandbox)";
export default new GraphQLObject({
name: "Booking",
fields: {
paymentCard: {
// This field is available only to users with 'payment-card:read' permissions.
type: PaymentCard,
resolve: async ({ paymentCard }, args, { email }) => {
if (
!(await isUserAuthorized(
) {
throw Error("Unauthorized");
return paymentCard;
For local development it is useful to be able to generate a refresh_token. This library supplies a script for doing this.
- OAuth client ID credentials ("Client ID" and "Client secret") for authenticating from a desktop app:
Fill the following environment variables:
CLIENT_ID - OAuth Client ID for authenticating from a desktop app
CLIENT_SECRET - OAuth Client secret for authenticating from a desktop app
"scripts": {
"generate:token": "node ./node_modules/@kiwicom/iam/dist/scripts"
Now run generate:token
a browser will open displaying an authorization code (starting with 4/
) and the CLI will ask you to input the authorization code. After that you will be provided with a refresh_token
(starting with 1/
) that has long validity and can be used for local development.
We are always looking for people to contribute! Please check for the guidelines.
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license. By contributing to js-iam-middleware, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT license.