The content and tooling is separated into a few places:
devel/ - Developer documentation for OPA (not part of the website)
website/ - This directory contains all of the Markdown, HTML, Sass/CSS, and other assets needed to build the website. See the section below for steps to build the site and test documentation changes locally. This content is not versioned for each release, it is common scaffolding for the website.
content/ - The raw OPA documentation can be found under the directory. This content is versioned for each release and should have all images and code snippets alongside the markdown content files.
website/data/integrations.yaml - Source for the integrations index. See Integration Index below for more details.
The website ( and doc's hosted there ( have a few components involved with the buildings and hosting.
The static site is generated with Hugo which uses the markdown
in content/ as its content for pages under /docs/*
. There is a script
to generate the previous supported versions, automated via make generate
, and the
latest (current working tree) documentations is under /docs/edge/*
The static site content is then hosted by Netlify. To
support backwards compatible URLs (from pre-netlify days) and to have the latest
version of the docs URLs work the site
relies on Netlify URL redirects and rewrites
which are defined in website/layouts/index.redirects
and are build into a _redirects
file when the Hugo build happens via
make production-build
or make preview-build
Because of the different components at play there are a few different ways to test/view the website. The choice depends largely on what is being modified:
Go to Netlify and log-in. Link to your public fork of OPA on github and have it deploy a site. As long as it is public this is free and can be configured to deploy test branches before opening PR's on the official OPA github repo.
This approach gives the best simulation for what the website will behave like once code has merged.
The majorify of this can be done with any markdown renderer (typically built-in or a plug-in for IDE's). The rendered output will be very similar to what Hugo will generate.
This excludes the Hugo shortcodes (places with
{{< SHORT_CODE >}}
in the markdown. To see the output of these you'll need to involve Hugo. Additionally, to validate and view live code blocks, a full site build is required (e.g.make serve
, details below). See the "Live Code Blocks" section for more information on how to write them.
The easiest way is to run Hugo locally in dev mode. Changes made will be reflected immediately be the Hugo dev server. See Run the site locally using Docker
This approach will not include the Netlify redirects so urls like
will not work. You must navigate directly to the version of docs you want to test. Typically this will be http://localhost:1313/docs/edge/. It will also not include the processing required for live code blocks to show up correctly.
This requires either using the Full Site Preview or using the local dev tools as described below in: Run the site locally without Docker
The local dev tools will not give live updates as the content changes, but will give the most accurate production simulation.
You can run the site locally with Docker or without Docker.
This MUST be done before you can serve the site locally!
The site will show all versions of doc content from the tagged versions listed in RELEASES.
To generate them run:
make generate
The content then will be placed into docs/website/generated/docs/$VERSION/
This will attempt to fetch the latest tags from git. The fetch will be skipped
if the OFFLINE
environment variable is defined. For example:
OFFLINE=1 make generate
Note: running with docker only uses the Hugo server and not Netlify locally. This means that redirects and other Netlify features the site relies on will not work. It will also not include the processing required for live code blocks to show up correctly.
make docker-serve
Open your browser to http://localhost:1313 to see the site running locally. The docs are available at http://localhost:1313/docs.
To build and serve the site locally without using Docker, install the following packages on your system:
- The Hugo static site generator
- The Netlify dev CLI
- NodeJS (and NPM)
The site will be running from the Hugo dev server and fronted through netlify running as a local reverse proxy. This more closely simulates the production environment but gives live updates as code changes.
Running the website locally requires installing the Hugo static
site generator. The required version of Hugo is listed in the
configuration file (see the HUGO_VERSION
Installation instructions for Hugo can be found in the official documentation.
Please note that you need to install the "extended" version of Hugo (with built-in support) to run the site locally. If you get errors like this, it means that you're using the non-extended version:
error: failed to transform resource: TOCSS: failed to transform "sass/style.sass" (text/x-sass): this feature is not available in your current Hugo version
From this directory:
make serve
Watch the console output for a localhost URL (the port is randomized). The docs are available at http://localhost:$PORT/docs.
The OPA site is automatically published using Netlify. Whenever
changes in this directory are pushed to master
, the site will be re-built and
To check the site's links, first start the full site preview locally (see Serving the full site instructions))
Then run:
docker run --rm -it --net=host linkchecker/linkchecker $URL
Note: You may need to adjust the URL
(host and/or port) depending on the environment. For OSX
and Windows the host might need to be host.docker.internal
instead of localhost
This link checker will work on best with Netlify previews! Just point it at the preview URL instead of the local server. The "pretty url" feature seems to work best when deployed, running locally may result in erroneous links.
Live blocks enable readers to interact with and change Rego snippets from within the docs. They are written as standard markdown code blocks with a special syntax in the language label and are enabled used a postprocessing step during full site builds.
For them to render correctly you must build the site using
make serve
or Netlify. If the live blocks build starts failing, try runningmake live-blocks-clear-caches
from thedocs/
folder. For the page to be able to live update code blocks, you may also want to disable your browser's CORS checks when developing. For chrome you can use the command-line flags--disable-web-security --user-data-dir=/tmp/$RANDOM
; this will open a new window that isn't tied to your existing user data.
Here's what they look like:
In this module:
package example
u {
"foo" == "foo"
The rule `u` evaluates to true:
Each live block group within a page has a unique name, for example rule_body
Each group can be composed of up to 1 of each type of live block:
- A complete or partial rego module.query
- Rego expressions for which to show output instead of the module.input
- JSON input with which to evaluate the module/ query.output
- A block to contain the output for the group, contents will be inserted automatically.
Groups can also be structured hierarchically using slashes in their names. When evaluated, the module blocks will be concatenated and any other missing blocks will be inherited from ancestors. Here's what a more complex set of blocks could look like:
package example
We can define a scalar rule:
string = "hello"
Which generates the document you'd expect:
We can then define a rule that uses the value of `string`:
r { input.value == string }
And query it with some input:
"value": "world"
with which it will be undefined:
In that example, the output for eg/string
is evaluated with only the module:
package example
string = "hello"
Whereas the eg/string/rule
output is evaluated with the module:
package example
string = "hello"
r { input.value == string }
as well the given query and input.
If any of the blocks that impact the output are edited by a reader, the output will update accordingly
You'll notice in the previous example that some blocks have an additional section after the type, these are tags.
To apply multiple tags to a block, separate them with commas. E.g.
Some tags can be applied to any block:
- Hide the code block.read_only
- Prevent editing of the block.merge_down
- Visually merge this code block with the one below it (remove bottom margin).openable
- Add a button to the block that opens its group in the Rego Playground. This should typically only be used on complete module blocks.line_numbers
- Show line numbers in the block. This should be used sparingly; the code will visually shift when they appear.
Outputs can also be tagged as expecting various errors. If one is tagged as expecting errors that do not occur or errors occur that it is not tagged as expecting, the build will fail noisily.
More specific errors appear before less specific ones in this list, try to use them. If you think a more specific tag could be added for your case, please create an issue.
- The query result is undefined. If all the rules in a module are undefined, the output is simply{}
- A variable is already:=
- A variable is used before it is:=
- A compile-time type error.expect_unsafe_var
- Any parse/compile-time error.expect_conflict
- An evaluation-time type error.expect_builtin_error
- Any evaluation-time error.expect_error
- Any OPA error. This should generally not be used.
At this time, due to the way OPA loads modules on the CLI, expecting parse errors is not possible.
Finally, outputs can also be tagged one or more times with include(<group name>)
, which will include
another group's module when evaluating (e.g. so that they can be imported).
If a query isn't specified for the output's group, when other modules are included the default becomes
instead ofdata.<package name>
The integration index makes it easy to find either a specific integration with OPA or to browse the integrations with OPA within a particular category. And it pulls information about that integration (e.g. blogs, videos, tutorials, code) into a single place while allowing integration authors to maintain the code wherever they like.
The schema of integrations.yaml has the following highlevel entries, each of which is self-explanatory.
- integrations
- organizations
- software
Each entry is an object where keys are unique identifiers for each subentry.
Organizations and Software are self-explanatory by inspection. The schema for integrations is as follows.
- title: string
- description: string
- software: array of strings
- labels: collection of key/value pairs.
- tutorials: array of links
- code: array of links
- inventors: array of either
- string (organization name)
- object with fields
- name: string
- organization: string
- videos: array of either
- link
- object with fields
- title: string
- speakers: array of name/organization objects
- venue: string
- link: string
- blogs: array of links
The UI for this is currently hosted at
The future plan is to use the following labels to generate categories of integrations.
- layer: which layer of the stack does this belong to
- category: which kind of component within that layer is this
- type: what kind of integration this is. Either
is the default iftype
is missing.poweredbyopa
is intended to be integrations built using OPA that are not tied to a particular layer of the stack. This distinction is the most ambiguous and may change.
As of now the labels are only displayed for each entry.
For each entry in the integrations.yaml integrations section the UI will use a PNG logo with the same name as the key from ./website/static/img/logos/integrations
For example:
Would need a file called my-cool-integration.png
at ./website/static/img/logos/integrations/my-cool-integration.png
If it doesn't exist the OPA logo will be shown by default.