PyAfipWs contains Python modules to operate with web services regarding AFIP (Argentina's "IRS") and other government agencies, mainly related to electronic invoicing, several taxes and traceability.
Copyright 2008 - 2013 (C) Mariano Reingart [email protected] (creator and maintainter). All rights reserved.
License: GPLv3+, with "commercial" exception available to include it and distribute with propietary programs
- Main Project Site: (mercurial repository)
- Mirror: (git repository)
- User Manual: ( (Spanish)
- Commercial Support: (Spanish)
- Community Site: (Spanish)
- Public Forum:
More information at Python Argentina Magazine article (English) and JAIIO 2012 paper (Spanish)
- Python library (a helper class for each webservice for easy use of their methods and attributes)
- PyAfipWs: OCX-like Windows COM interface compatible with legacy programming languages (VB, VFP, Delphi, PHP, VB.NET, etc.)
- LibPyAfipWs: DLL/.so compiled shared library (exposing python methods to C/C++/C#)
- Console (command line) tools using simplified input & ouput files
- PyRece GUI and FacturaLibre WEB apps as complete reference implementations
- Examples for Visual Basic, Visual Fox Pro, Delphi, C, PHP.
- Minor code fragment samples for SAP (ABAP), PowerBuilder, Fujitsu Net Cobol, Clarion, etc.
- OpenERP module (comming soon)
- Supported alternate interchange formats: TXT (fixed lenght COBOL), CSV, DBF (Clipper/xBase/Harbour), XML, JSON, etc.
- Full automation to request authentication and invoice authorization (CAE, COE, etc.)
- Advanced XML manipulation, caching and proxy support.
- Customizable PDF generation and visual designer (CSV templates)
- Email, barcodes (PIL), installation (NSIS), configuration (.INI), debugging and other misc utilities
- WSAA: authorization & authentication, including digital cryptographic signature
- WSFEv1: domestic market (electronic invoice) -English-
- WSMTXCA: domestic market (electronic invoice) -detailing articles and barcodes-
- WSBFE: tax bonus (electronic invoice)
- WSFEXv1: foreign trade (electronic invoice) -English-
- WSCTG: agriculture (grain traceability code)
- WSLPG: agriculture (grain liquidation - invoice)
- wDigDepFiel: customs (faithful depositary)
- WSCOC: currency exchange operations autorization
- COT: Provincial Operation Transport Code (aka electronic Shipping note)
- TrazaMed: National Medical Drug Traceability Program
- Traza Renpre SEDRONAR: Controlled Chemical Precursors Traceability Program (comming soon)
On Ubuntu (GNU/Linux), you will need to install the following dependencies:
httplib2 and openssl binding:
apt-get install python-httplib2 python-m2crypto
For SOAP webservices you will need PySimpleSOAP (spin-off of this library, inspired by the PHP SOAP extension):
hg clone
cd pysimplesoap
hg update reingart
sudo python install
For PDF generation, you will need the PyFPDF (PHP's FPDF library, python port):
hg clone
cd pyfpdf
sudo python install
For the GUI app, you will need wxPython:
sudo apt-get install wxpython
PythonCard is being replaced by gui2py:
hg clone
cd gui2py
sudo python install
For the WEB app, you will need web2py.
On Windows, you can see available installers released for evaluation purposes on Downloads