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ee1297f · May 26, 2021


This branch is 133 commits behind RinteRface/bs4Dash:master.


Notes for updating adminLTE

Here are some advises to make adminLTE3 working better with shiny.

Tweaks to fix dropdown link color issue in dark, info, danger, success and primary modes

For instance, for primary cards, we have:

.card-primary:not(.card-outline) .card-header,		 
.card-primary:not(.card-outline) .card-header a { 
   color: #ffffff;

In the bs4Dash.css we have:

.dropdown-item { 
   color: #000 !important; 

User post bottom border issue

In the bs4Dash.css we have:

.post {
  border-bottom: none !important;

This feature does not play well with the collapse option and has been removed.

Tweaks to support shinyFiles

Since shinyFiles is based on Boostrap 3, one may expect conflicts. Here is a css tweak to apply to fix modals:

/* Remove for shinyFiles support
.modal.fade .modal-dialog {
  transition: -webkit-transform 0.3s ease-out;
  transition: transform 0.3s ease-out;
  transition: transform 0.3s ease-out, -webkit-transform 0.3s ease-out;
  -webkit-transform: translate(0, -50px);
  transform: translate(0, -50px);
.modal-header {
  /* Remove for shinyFiles support */
  /*display: -ms-flexbox;
  display: flex;
  -ms-flex-align: start;
  align-items: flex-start;
  -ms-flex-pack: justify;
  justify-content: space-between; */
  padding: 1rem;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #e9ecef;
  border-top-left-radius: 0.3rem;
  border-top-right-radius: 0.3rem;

Tell shiny to show the content on expand

When a card start collapsed, we need to tell shiny to show the content when expanded. Add _this._parent.trigger(""); and _this2._parent.trigger(""); to collapse and expand prototypes, respectively in adminlte.js:

_proto.collapse = function collapse() {
        var _this = this;

        this._parent.children(Selector.CARD_BODY + ", " + Selector.CARD_FOOTER).slideUp(this._settings.animationSpeed, function () {

        this._parent.find(this._settings.collapseTrigger + ' .' + this._settings.collapseIcon).addClass(this._settings.expandIcon).removeClass(this._settings.collapseIcon);

        var collapsed = $.Event(Event.COLLAPSED);

        this._element.trigger(collapsed, this._parent);
_proto.expand = function expand() {
        var _this2 = this;

        this._parent.children(Selector.CARD_BODY + ", " + Selector.CARD_FOOTER).slideDown(this._settings.animationSpeed, function () {

        this._parent.find(this._settings.collapseTrigger + ' .' + this._settings.expandIcon).addClass(this._settings.collapseIcon).removeClass(this._settings.expandIcon);

        var expanded = $.Event(Event.EXPANDED);

        this._element.trigger(expanded, this._parent);

Tell shiny to resize the content of the box when click on maximize

AdminLTE3 introduces a nice feature called "maximize". However, shiny does not know when the content needs to be resized after toggle maximize. We need to add the following code $(this).trigger('shown') to each prototype in adminlte.js. Moreover, so that the input binding works well, we have to remove the delay function for maximize and minimize events.

_proto.maximize = function maximize() {
        this._parent.find(this._settings.maximizeTrigger + ' .' + this._settings.maximizeIcon).addClass(this._settings.minimizeIcon).removeClass(this._settings.maximizeIcon);

          'height': this._parent.height(),
          'width': this._parent.width(),
          'transition': 'all .15s'
        }).delay(150).queue(function () {
          // tells shiny to resize the content

          if ($(this).hasClass(ClassName.COLLAPSED)) {


        var maximized = $.Event(Event.MAXIMIZED);

        this._element.trigger(maximized, this._parent);
_proto.minimize = function minimize() {
        this._parent.find(this._settings.maximizeTrigger + ' .' + this._settings.minimizeIcon).addClass(this._settings.maximizeIcon).removeClass(this._settings.minimizeIcon);

        this._parent.css('cssText', 'height:' + this._parent[0].style.height + ' !important;' + 'width:' + this._parent[0].style.width + ' !important; transition: all .15s;').delay(10).queue(function () {
            'height': 'inherit',
            'width': 'inherit'
          // tells shiny to resize the content

          if ($(this).hasClass(ClassName.WAS_COLLAPSED)) {


        var MINIMIZED = $.Event(Event.MINIMIZED);

        this._element.trigger(MINIMIZED, this._parent);