VirtualMemAllocMon is for Monitoring VirtualMemAlloc Event via ETW, when some Native APIs like "VirtualAllocEx" called by your code this event will happen via ETW. (Payload Detection by VirtualMemAlloc Events [in-memory] for All Processes).
Note : this code VirtualMemAllocMon (v1.1) tested on Win7x64SP1 & Win10 (only), here is my last test on Window10 which was good => []
"VirtualMemAllocMon" is simple tool for Monitor VirtualMemAlloc events in all Processes via ETW, with this code you can Monitor New VirtualMemAlloc Events for each Process, the goal is Payload Detection & my focus was on "Local Create Thread" & "Remote Thread Injection" + Meterpreter payload & Pe "MZ header" in-memory. this code will useful sometimes for Defenders & Blue Teamers but Pentesters/Red Teamers can use this too.
md5 info:
5ee176af45-524d29ea3e-b89fe0c3e928 => VirtualMemAllocMon.exe (v1.1)
Note: this code tested for Meterpreter Payload + Remote Thread Injection Techniques , like Dinvoke/Process Hollowing/Classic RemoteThreadInjection & ...
Related Video about (VirtualMemAllocMon.exe without using ETWProcessMon2.exe)
Related Article:
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent -Version 2.0.71
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent -Version 2.0.70
if you have error like this "System.Runtime.InteropServicesCOMException:..." more often this was because of ProcessHacker/ProcessExplorer etc which Run as normal user or Run As Admin you can fix this problem with these steps:
step1: close all ProcessHacker/ProcessExplorer/ProcessMon etc Tools
step2: Run VirtualMemAllocMon.exe (Run As Admin)
step3: after 10 seconds, run ProcessHacker/ProcessExplorer etc Tools
step1: [win, Run As Admin] VirtualMemAllocMon.exe
Note: you need Run As Admin