Version numbers of Shins aim to track the version of Slate they are compatible with.
- This section contains information on how to maintain the reference documentation for Clip APIs hosted in this portal.
Under Construction ... Come back soon.
If necessary, add a more detailed explanation about the project, including concepts and architecture description.
Instructions to set this project up on you local machine.
Things you need to install on your system before you follow the rest of the instructions:
- Node
This can be more specific if required. You can break it up into several sections as needed. For example:
- Setting up the database.
- Starting the backend service.
- Configuring the environment variables.
The deployment of the API portal is automated.
Mention all required credentials, tokens, and other sensitive artifacts the developer needs to know to deploy the code. Explain the process to acquire these.
Contribution guidelines.
Explain the conventions the team follows.
Explain the branching model for this repository, and if you require a git plugin or any additional software.
Describe the process to review and approve a pull requests.
Explain the versioning pattern this project follows.
Include here, if applies.
- For converting OpenAPI / Swagger or AsyncAPI definitions to Shins or Slate, see widdershins