Teleport component (Work in progress)
Property | Description | Default Value |
type | Type of teleport: line or parabolic | parabolic |
button | Button used to launch the teleport | trackpad |
collisionEntity | Selector of the mesh used to check the collisions. If no value provided a plane Y=0 is used | |
hitEntity | Entity used to show at the hitting position. If no value provided a cylinder will be used as default. | |
hitCylinderColor | Color used for the default hitEntity primitives |
#99ff99 |
hitCylinderRadius | Radius used for the default hitEntity primitives |
0.25 |
hitCylinderHeight | Height used for the default hitEntity primitives |
0.3 |
maxLength | Max. length for line teleport | 10 |
curveHitColor | Color used for the curve when hit the mesh | #99ff99 |
curveMissColor | Color used for the curve when it doesn't hit anything | #ff0000 |
curveNumberPoints | Number of points used in the curve | 30 |
curveLineWidth | Line width of the curve | 0.025 |
curveShootingSpeed | Curve shooting speed, as bigger value, farther distance. | 5 |
maxLength | Max length of the ray when using type=line teleport | 10 |
landingNormal | Normal vector to detect collisions with the collisionEntity |
(0, 1, 0) |
landingMaxAngle | Angle threshold (in degrees) used together with landingNormal to detect if the mesh is so steep to jump to it. |
45 |
Install and use by directly including the browser files:
<title>My A-Frame Scene</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<a-entity teleport-controls vive-controls="hand: left"></a-entity>
Install via NPM:
npm install aframe-teleport-controls
Then register and use.