> go install github.com/ferreiraklet/airixss@latest
> git clone https://github.com/ferreiraklet/airixss.git
> cd airixss
> go build airixss.go
> chmod +x airixss
> ./airixss -h
In Your recon process, you may find endpoints that can be vulnerable to xss,
By replacing the "SameValue" to a xss payload, In order to see if there is reflection/vulnerable, it is when you use airixss
Lets say you have a url and you want to test reflection:
Airixss reads from stdin:
echo 'https://redacted.com/index.php?user="><img src=x onerror=confirm(1)>' | airixss -payload 'confirm(1)'
In -payload flag, you need to specify a part of the payload used in url, -payload "value_will_be_checked_reflection"
You can use a file containing a list of targets as well:
cat targets | airixss -payload "alert(1)"
You can make use of Airixss with other tools such gau, gauplus, waybackurls, qsreplace and bhedak
- Another examples of usage:
echo "http://testphp.vulnweb.com:80/hpp/index.php?pp=x" | qsreplace '"><img src=x onerror=prompt(1)>' | airixss -payload '<img src=x onerror=prompt(1)>'
echo "http://testphp.vulnweb.com:80/hpp/index.php?pp=x" | bhedak '"><svg onload=confirm(1)>' | airixss -payload "confirm(1)"
You can use with proxy:
echo "http://testphp.vulnweb.com" | waybackurls | anew | gf xss | qsreplace '"><svg onload=confirm(1)>' | airixss -payload "confirm(1)" --proxy "http://yourproxy"
You can specify more than one header, OBS: Be careful, the syntax must be exact the same, Ex:
echo "http://testphp.vulnweb.com" | waybackurls | anew | gf xss | qsreplace '"><svg onload=confirm(1)>' | airixss -payload "confirm(1) -H "Header1: Value1;Header2: value2"
This project is for educational and bug bounty porposes only! I do not support any illegal activities!.
If any error in the program, talk to me immediatly.