A Model-View-Presenter framework for modern Android apps.
Read more about mosby in my blog post
Pick the module(s) you want to use:
dependencies {
compile 'com.hannesdorfmann.mosby:core:x.x.x'
compile 'com.hannesdorfmann.mosby:core-dagger1:x.x.x'
compile 'com.hannesdorfmann.mosby:mvp:x.x.x'
compile 'com.hannesdorfmann.mosby:mvp-dagger1:x.x.x'
compile 'com.hannesdorfmann.mosby:retrofit:x.x.x'
compile 'com.hannesdorfmann.mosby:rx:x.x.x'
compile 'com.hannesdorfmann.mosby:viewstate:x.x.x'
compile 'com.hannesdorfmann.mosby:viewstate-dagger1:x.x.x'
testCompile 'com.hannesdorfmann.mosby:testing:x.x.x'
where you have to replace x.x.x with the latest version.
This library uses annotation processing libraries. You need to apply Hugo Visser's awesome android-apt gradle plugin to run annotation processing and you have to include the following dependencies:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.1.3'
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.4'
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
// For icepick
url 'https://clojars.org/repo/'
dependencies {
apt 'frankiesardo:icepick-processor:3.0.2'
apt 'com.hannesdorfmann.fragmentargs:processor:2.1.0'
// If you want to use dagger1
apt 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger-compiler:1.2.2'
You can find the smaple apk files in the release section
The changelog can be found in the release section
Mosby itself doesn't nee any specific proguard rules. However, third party libraries that are integrated in mosby like Butterknife, FragmentArgs, Icepick and (optional) dagger 1 may have there own proguard rules. Please visit these projects site.