Follow the primus quickstart guide to setup the primus baseline virtual machine:
In your virtual machine, clone the open source monolith
git clone
cd monolith/markdown/primus_demo
docker build -t monolith_ubuntu22_exec:1.0 -f monolith.Dockerfile .
Then, load this image to k8s cluster
kind load docker-image monolith_ubuntu22_exec:1.0
Now, we will convert the movie-lens dataset to CSV format, which is later feed to the model through Primus's input manager. This may take a while (a few hours) due to the size of the dataset, depending on the number of CPU cores you have.
pip3 install tensorflow==2.4.0 tensorflow-datasets
cd monolith/markdown/demo
mkdir -p data_1m
When the conversion finished, upload the data to HDFS
/usr/lib/hadoop/bin/hdfs dfs -put data_1m /primus/
First, make sure that the files
entry of monolith/markdown/primus_demo/primus_monolith.json
matches the actual place where you clone monolith. Then, you can submit the training via
/usr/lib/primus-kubernetes/sbin/primus-submit --primus_conf primus_monolith.json