A library which provides a modifier for display 'placeholder' UI while content is loading.
More information on the UX provided by this library can be found on the Material Theming Placeholder UI guidelines.
There are actually two versions of the library available:
- Placeholder Foundation: Provides the base functionality and depends on Jetpack Compose Foundation. This version requires the app to provide all of the colors to display.
- Placeholder Material. This uses the foundation library above, but also provides sensible default colors using your app's Material color palette.
!!! tip You only need to use one of the libraries, and most apps should use Placeholder Material. The APIs of the libraries are (mostly) equivalent with only the imports being different. Where possible we have provided equivalent code samples below.
At the most basic usage, the modifier will draw a shape over your composable content, filled with the provided color.
=== "Placeholder Material"
``` kotlin
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.material.placeholder
text = "Content to display after content has loaded",
modifier = Modifier
.placeholder(visible = true)
=== "Placeholder Material3"
``` kotlin
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.material3.placeholder
text = "Content to display after content has loaded",
modifier = Modifier
.placeholder(visible = true)
=== "Placeholder Foundation"
``` kotlin
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.placeholder
text = "Content to display after content has loaded",
modifier = Modifier
visible = true,
color = Color.Gray,
// optional, defaults to RectangleShape
shape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp),
The library also provides some 'highlight' animations to entertain the user while they are waiting. There are two provided by the library, but you can also provide your own.
This highlight fades a color over the entire placeholder in and out.
Placeholder Fade demo=== "Placeholder Material"
``` kotlin
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.PlaceholderHighlight
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.material.placeholder
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.material.fade
text = "Content to display after content has loaded",
modifier = Modifier
visible = true,
highlight = PlaceholderHighlight.fade(),
=== "Placeholder Material3"
``` kotlin
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.PlaceholderHighlight
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.material3.placeholder
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.material3.fade
text = "Content to display after content has loaded",
modifier = Modifier
visible = true,
highlight = PlaceholderHighlight.fade(),
=== "Placeholder Foundation"
``` kotlin
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.PlaceholderHighlight
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.placeholder
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.fade
text = "Content to display after content has loaded",
modifier = Modifier
visible = true,
color = Color.Gray,
// optional, defaults to RectangleShape
shape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp),
highlight = PlaceholderHighlight.fade(
highlightColor = Color.White,
This displays a gradient shimmer effect which emanates from the top-start corner.
Placeholder Shimmer demo=== "Placeholder Material"
``` kotlin
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.PlaceholderHighlight
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.material.placeholder
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.material.shimmer
text = "Content to display after content has loaded",
modifier = Modifier
visible = true,
highlight = PlaceholderHighlight.shimmer(),
=== "Placeholder Material3"
``` kotlin
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.PlaceholderHighlight
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.material3.placeholder
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.material3.shimmer
text = "Content to display after content has loaded",
modifier = Modifier
visible = true,
highlight = PlaceholderHighlight.shimmer(),
=== "Placeholder Foundation"
``` kotlin
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.PlaceholderHighlight
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.placeholder
import io.github.fornewid.placeholder.shimmer
text = "Content to display after content has loaded",
modifier = Modifier
visible = true,
color = Color.Gray,
// optional, defaults to RectangleShape
shape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp),
highlight = PlaceholderHighlight.shimmer(
highlightColor = Color.White,
repositories {
dependencies {
// If you're using Material, use placeholder-material
implementation "io.github.fornewid:placeholder-material:<version>"
// If you're using Material3, use placeholder-material3
implementation "io.github.fornewid:placeholder-material3:<version>"
// Otherwise use the foundation version
implementation "io.github.fornewid:placeholder-foundation:<version>"
Snapshots of the current development version of this library are available, which track the latest commit. See here for more information on how to use them.
Please contribute! We will gladly review any pull requests. Make sure to read the Contributing page first though.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.