This section help you build gateway environment.
Currently, Gateway use etcd store it's mete data, so you need a etcd environment.
Currently, Gateway use consul store it's mete data, so you need a consul environment.
If you want to build gateway with source, you need a golang environment.
Build gateway use commands as below:
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build proxy.go
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build admin.go
Gateway runtime has 2 components: admin & proxy. Admin is mete data manager system, proxy is a stateless http proxy.
Admin is web system, provide JSON restful API, web resource is in $$GOPATH/src/
dir. You can get help info use:
$ ./admin --help
Usage of xxx/src/
-addr string
listen addr.(e.g. ip:port) (default ":8080")
-cpus int
use cpu nums (default 1)
-registry-addr string
registry address. (default "[ectd|consul]://")
-prefix string
node prefix. (default "/dev")
-pwd string
admin user pwd (default "admin")
-user string
admin user name (default "admin")
Than you can run admin use:
./admin --addr=:8080 --etcd-addr=ectd://etcdIP:etcdPort --prefix=dev
It listen at 8080 port, you can you your web browser access
, the input the user name and password to access admin system.
You can get help info use:
$ ./proxy --help
Usage of xxx/src/
-config string
config file
-cpus int
use cpu nums (default 1)
-log-file string
which file to record log, if not set stdout to use.
-log-level string
log level. (default "info")
Proxy use a json config file like this:
"addr": ":80",
"mgrAddr": ":8081",
"registryAddr": [
"prefix": "/dev",
"filers": [
"maxConns": 512,
"maxConnDuration": 10,
"maxIdleConnDuration": 10,
"readBufferSize": 4096,
"writeBufferSize": 4096,
"readTimeout": 30,
"writeTimeout": 30,
"maxResponseBodySize": 1048576,
"enablePPROF": false,
"pprofAddr": ""
Note: Admin and proxy must use same ectd address and ectd prefix.
Run proxy:
./proxy --cpus=number of you cpu core ---config ./proxy.json --log-file ./proxy.log --log-level=info
Than you can see proxy start at 80 port. And load mete data from ectd. At first time, there will be have some warn message, ingore these, because has no mete data in ectd(consul).