When you need to use the new features or to customize specific features, you can rely on the Source SDK for development。
Assuming you have the Android SDK installed, run android
to open the Android SDK Manager.
Make sure you have the following installed:
- Android SDK version 23 (compileSdkVersion in
) - SDK build tools version 23.0.2 (buildToolsVersion in
) - Android Support Repository >= 17 (for Android Support Library)
- Android NDK (download & extraction instructions here)
Point Gradle to your Android SDK: either have $ANDROID_SDK
defined, or create a local.properties file in the root of your weex checkout with the following contents:
First, you need to git clone weex
from github:
git clone https://github.com/alibaba/weex.git
*** 1) Android studio build APK ***
Step 1: run android studio
Step 2: open the file of ~/weex/android/playground/build.gradle
Step 3: Run the Project and the Apk will auto install in your android device
*** 2) Gradle build APK ***
Step 1: enter the direction of "/weex/android/playground"
Step 2: run the build command: ./gradlew clean assemble
Step 3: obtain the payground APK from the direction of weex/android/playground/app/build/outputs/apk/
Step 3: then adb install -r weex/android/playground/app/build/outputs/apk/playgroud.apk
Add the :weex_sdk_android
project in android/settings.gradle
include ':weex_sdk_android'
project(':weex_sdk_android').projectDir = new File(
rootProject.projectDir, '../weex_sdk_android')
Modify your android/app/build.gradle
to use the :weex_sdk_android
project instead of the pre-compiled library, e.g. - replace compile 'com.taobao.android:weex_sdk:0.4.1
with compile project(':weex_sdk_android')
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.0.1'
compile project(':weex_sdk_android')
If you use 3rd-party weex modules, you need to override their dependencies so that they don't build the pre-compiled library. Otherwise you'll get an error while compiling - Error: more than one library with package name 'com.taobao.weex'
Modify your android/app/build.gradle
and replace compile project(':weex-custom-module')
compile(project(':weex-custom-module')) {
exclude group: 'com.taobao.weex', module: 'weex_sdk_android'
Besides load a Js Bundle online, you also can load the js bundle from the directory of Android assets.
For Example:
String yourbundleStr = WXFileUtils.loadFileContent("yourBundle.js", context);
WXSDKInstance.render(TAG, yourbundleStr, options, null, width, Height, WXRenderStrategy.APPEND_ASYNC);
From the Welcome screen of Android Studio choose "Import project" and select the playground
folder of your app.
You should be able to use the Run button to run your app on a device.
Since the packet size limit is currently only compiled arm , X86 does not support.
Gradle build fails in
. See the section aboutlocal.properties
file above.
#Quick access
- an existing, gradle-based Android app
In your app's build.gradle
file add the WEEX dependency:
compile 'com.taobao.android:weex_sdk:0.4.1'
You can find the latest version of the WEEX library on jcenter. Next, make sure you have the Internet permission in your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
You need to add some native code in order to start the Weex runtime and get it to render something. To do this, we're going to create an Application
to init weex, then we we're going to create an Activity
that creates a WeexContainerView, starts a Weex application inside it and sets it as the main content view.
public class WXApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
try {
WXSDKEngine.registerComponent("wtRichText", WTRichText.class);
WXSDKEngine.registerModule("event", WXEventModule.class);
} catch (WXException e) {
// Create or find RenderContainer view.
// Notice: If you create RenderContainer manually, don't forget add it to view tree.
RenderContainer renderContainer = (RenderContainer)findViewById(R.id.container);
//crate Weex instance
WXSDKInstance mInstance = new WXSDKInstance(this);
//set render container
//set image Adapter
mInstance.setImgLoaderAdapter(new ImageAdapter(this));
//register render listener
mInstance.registerRenderListener(new IWXRenderListener() {
public void onViewCreated(WXSDKInstance instance, View resultView) {
// Notice: If you don't setRenderContainer before render, you need add the resultView to view tree here.
public void onRenderSuccess(WXSDKInstance instance) {
public void onRefreshSuccess(WXSDKInstance instance) {
public void onException(WXSDKInstance instance, String errCode,String msg) {
//start render weex view
mInstance.render(pageName,template, null, null, -1, -1, WXRenderStrategy.APPEND_ASYNC);
That's it, your activity is ready to run some JavaScript code.