This Dev-Container was developed in vscode so it uses a base image from microsoft that has some extra vscode stuff.
If you have no PostgresDB installed locally than you may do a "docker-compose up" and start a docker container with Postgres (also creates a freppledata local folder for persistency). You should also create a "" file (in the project root folder) that will override the "" file. Here you just need to override the IP address of the DB: ... "HOST": os.environ.get("POSTGRES_HOST", "host machine IP"), "PORT": os.environ.get("POSTGRES_PORT", "5432") ... If the container has IP then the host machine IP should be
If the container is "fresh" you must compile the frepple C++ code first.
If the DB is fresh you must run "frepplectl migrate" in the container to create the tables.
After these steps are done you should have a working frePPLe setup.