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Wavelets Optimized Whitening


Prior to installing WOW, the following packages must be installed from their respective GitHub repositories:

Then, after cloning the present repository:

pip install .

will take care of the other dependencies. Or if you want to be able to edit & develop (requires reloading the package)

pip install -e .

The installation process will create a wow executable that can be run from the command line of the virtual environment (more below):


The package provides two ways of processing images with the WOW! algorithm:

  • The wow function that can be used in Python programs
  • The wow executable that can be run from the command line

In a Python program

An example is given in the file. In essence:

from import fits
from wow import wow

sample_file = r'sample_data\solo_L2_eui-hrieuv174-image_20220317T032000234_V01.fits'
image = fits.getdata(sample_file)

# Basic WOW, non-bilateral, non de-noised. Fast.
wow_image = wow(image)
# Edge-aware, slower
bilateral_wow_image = wow(image, bilateral=1) 
# Same with de-noising
denoised_bilateral_wow_image = wow(image, denoise_coefficients=[5, 1], bilateral=1)  

The wow executable

The wow executable can be called from the command line to produce movies from a sequence of files, directories or glob patterns. Help on the available parameters can be obtained with

wow --help

usage: WOW! [-h] (--source SOURCE | --selektor Selektor query [Selektor query ...] | --ascii Input ASCII file) [-o OUTPUT] [-d DENOISE [DENOISE ...]] [-w WEIGHTS [WEIGHTS ...]] [-nb] [-ns N_SCALES] [-gw GAMMA_WEIGHT] [-g GAMMA]
            [-nw] [-t] [-roi ROI ROI ROI ROI] [-r REGISTER] [-nu] [-cs] [-ne] [-c] [-fps FRAME_RATE] [-crf CRF] [-np N_PROCS] [-nc] [-nl] [-fn FIRST_N] [-i INTERVAL INTERVAL] [-rb REBIN] [-rt ROTATE] [-tf]

Processes a sequence of files with Wavelets Optimized Whitening and encodes the frames to video.

optusage: WOW! [-h] (--source SOURCE | --selektor Selektor query [Selektor query ...] | --ascii Input ASCII file) [-o OUTPUT] [-d DENOISE [DENOISE ...]]
            [-w WEIGHTS [WEIGHTS ...]] [-nb] [-ns N_SCALES] [-gw GAMMA_WEIGHT] [-g GAMMA] [-nw] [-t] [-roi ROI ROI ROI ROI] [-r REGISTER] [-nu] [-cs] [-ne] [-c]
            [-fps FRAME_RATE] [-crf CRF] [-np N_PROCS] [-nc] [-nl] [-fn FIRST_N] [-i INTERVAL INTERVAL] [-im INTERVAL_MARGIN] [-rb REBIN] [-rt ROTATE] [-tf]

Processes a sequence of files with Wavelets Optimized Whitening and encodes the frames to video.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --source SOURCE       List of files, directories or glob patterns
  --selektor Selektor query [Selektor query ...]
                        Queries Selektor for EUI observations
  --ascii Input ASCII file
                        ASCII file containing list of input files
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output filename. Frames are saved in its base directory.
  -d DENOISE [DENOISE ...], --denoise DENOISE [DENOISE ...]
                        De-noising coefficients
  -w WEIGHTS [WEIGHTS ...], --weights WEIGHTS [WEIGHTS ...]
                        Synthesis weights
  -nb, --no_bilateral   Do not use edge-aware (bilateral) transform
  -ns N_SCALES, --n_scales N_SCALES
                        Number of wavelet scales
  -gw GAMMA_WEIGHT, --gamma_weight GAMMA_WEIGHT
                        Weight of gamma-stretched image
  -g GAMMA, --gamma GAMMA
                        Gamma exponent
  -nw, --no_whitening   Do not apply whitening (WOW!)
  -t, --temporal        Applies temporal de-noising and/or whitening
  -roi ROI ROI ROI ROI  Region of interest [bottom left, top right corners]
  -r REGISTER, --register REGISTER
                        Order of polynomial used to fit the header data to register the frames.
  -nu, --north_up       Rotate images north up
  -cs, --center_sun     Center solar disk
  -ne, --no_encode      Do not encode the frames to video
  -c, --cleanup         Cleanup frames after encoding
  -fps FRAME_RATE, --frame-rate FRAME_RATE
                        Number of frames per second
  -crf CRF              FFmpeg crf quality parameter
  -np N_PROCS, --n_procs N_PROCS
                        Number of processors to use. By default, uses 1 or the maximum available -1
  -nc, --no-clock       Do not inset clock
  -nl, --no-label       Do not inset time stamp & label
  -fn FIRST_N, --first_n FIRST_N
                        Process only the first N frames
                        Percentile to use for scaling
  -im INTERVAL_MARGIN, --interval_margin INTERVAL_MARGIN
                        Factor applied to interval top boundary
  -rb REBIN, --rebin REBIN
                        binning factor
  -rt ROTATE, --rotate ROTATE
                        Counter-clockwise 90 / 180 / 270° rotation
  -tf, --to_fits        Save to fits

Movie from images in a directory

All images in the my/directory folder

wow --source my/directory -o movie.mp4

Only some files

wow --source my/directory/*20221002*.fits -o movie.mp4

Using Selektor queries

eui_selektor_client is a lightweight client to the EUI Selektor tool (password protected). The query passed as value to the --selektor argument must be of the form --selektor parameter1:value1 parameter2:value2. The most useful query parameters and possible values are summarized below. Note that some parameters do require the [ ] brackets, e.g. detector[]:FSI

Parameter Possible values FITS keyword
level[] 'L0', 'L1' LEVEL
image_size_min 320-3072 NAXIS1=NAXIS2
image_size_max 320-3072 NAXIS1=NAXIS2
binning[] 1, 2, 4 BINNING
detector[] 'FSI', 'HRI_EUV', 'HRI_LYA' DETECTOR
wavelnth[] '174', '304', '1216' WAVELNTH
recstate[] 'on', 'off' RECSTATE
compress[] 'Lossless', 'Lossy-high quality', 'Lossy-strong', 'Lossy-extreme', 'None' COMPRES
gaincomb[] 'low-only', 'high-only', 'combined', 'both', 'other' GAINCOMB
imgtype[] 'solar image', 'LED image', 'dark image', 'occulted image' IMGTYPE
xposure_min 0-7200 XPOSURE
xposure_max 0-7200 XPOSURE
date_begin_start YYYY-MM-DD DATE-BEG
date_begin_start_hour 0-23 DATE-BEG
date_begin_start_minute 0-59 DATE-BEG
date_begin_end YYYY-MM-DD DATE-BEG
date_begin_end_hour 0-23 DATE-BEG
date_begin_end_minute 0-59 DATE-BEG

Note that the DATE-BEG FITS keyword indicates the beginning of an exposure. The start and end suffixes are added to date_begin to form the date_begin_start and date_begin_end parameters, which can be confusing.

When passed the -- selektor [query] option, the wow executable uses Selektor's filtering capability to obtain, e.g. a list of FSI 174 image between two given dates, while excluding too short exposure times. Note that eui_selektor_client queries the EUI archive but does not download the data itself. It is up to the user to make sure that the data is available in a directory tree organized by YYYY/MM/DD. An environment variable named EUI_ARCHIVE_DATA_PATH must point at the root of the data tree. For example, the file solo_L1_eui-hrieuv174-image_20220317T032000234_V01.fits must be located in the EUI_ARCHIVE_DATA_PATH/L1/2022/03/17 directory:

├─ L1
│  ├─ 2022/
│  │  ├─ 03
│  │  │  ├─ 17
│  │  │  │  ├─ solo_L1_eui-hrieuv174-image_20220317T032000234_V01.fits

From an ASCII file

A movie can be assembled from a list of file stored as individual lines in an ascii file. Full paths must be provided.

wow --ascii file.txt -o movie.mp4


Queries selektor to create a video file in the movie directory from all the FSI 304 images from 2022-10-01 to 2022-10-30, excluding exposures shorter than 1 second (note that 2022-10-30 means 2022-10-30T00:00:00):

wow --selektor detector[]:FSI wavelnth[]:304 date_begin_start:2022-10-01 date_begin_end:2022-10-30 image_size_min:3072 xposure_min:1 -o movie.mp4

Use the HRI_EUV data from 2022-10-19T00:00:00 to 2022-10-19T19:00:00, excluding exposures shorter than 1 second:

wow --selektor detector[]:HRI_EUV date_begin_start:2022-10-19 date_begin_end:2022-10-19 date_begin_end_hour:19 xposure_min:1 -o output/movie.mp4


Auchère, F., Soubrié, E., Pelouze, G. and Buchlin, É. 2022, Image Enhancement With Wavelets Optimized Whitening, A&A, 670, id.A66