- Berlin
- owehoweh.blogspot.com/
first20hours / keyzen-colemak
Forked from wwwtyro/keyzenA touch typing trainer geared towards programmers and others that need to practice with all the symbols on the keyboard. Modified to make it easy to learn the Colemak keyboard layout.
fride / scalex
Forked from ornicar/scalexHoogle-like documentation search engine, for scala
fride / gitolite
Forked from sitaramc/gitoliteHosting git repositories -- Gitolite allows you to setup git hosting on a central server, with very fine-grained access control and many (many!) more powerful features. [IMPORTANT: please click and…
fride / impress.js
Forked from impress/impress.jsIt's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
fride / tryscalaz
Forked from debasishg/tryscalazExplore various options of domain modeling with scalaz
fride / modular-backbone
Forked from kubetz/modular-backboneMinimalistic Backbone project template with RequireJS support
thorque / tucana-oldversion
Forked from AgileBackOffice/tucanaTucana web page
fride / Unfiltered
Forked from unfiltered/unfilteredA toolkit for servicing HTTP requests in Scala
fride / sbt-idea
Forked from mpeltonen/sbt-ideaA simple-build-tool (sbt) plugin/processor for creating IntelliJ IDEA project files