In this folder you can find several models and libraries related to Propositional Logic in NetLogo (LP) (and also the Extension Fuzzy Logic, it is not mine):
- Fuzzy Logic
- LP.nls: the main library. The main functions are detailed bellow, and there are also several models to illustrate how it works (
,DPLL - Consecuencia Lógica.nlogo
). - RBS.nls: library for a simple Rule Based System (Knowledge Bases). There are several models with it (
RuleBasedSystemForwardReasoning Agents.nlogo
). - Resolucion LP.nlogo, ResolutionPropositionalLogic.nlogo: some models that performs resolution procedure (in a near future, it will be integrated with LP library).
In the following:
: Formula in string formatL
: Formula in tree (list) formatC
: Formula in Clause format (list of lists of literals)
In the algorithms using graphs (trees with NetLogo agents) we work with families LP:nodes (turtle breed) and LP:links (directed link breed)
LP:parse-to-tree S
: Transforms a formula in string format to tree (list) format
LP:parse-to-tree "((a->b)|(-c))" = ["|" ["->" "a" "b"] ["-" "c"]]
LP:parse-to-tree "(a <-> (b|c))" = ["<->" "a" ["|" "b" "c"]]
LP:pretty-formula L
: Rewrites a single tree-list formula into infix way string using pretty symbols
LP:pretty-formula ["|" ["->" "a" "b"] ["-" "c"]] = "((a→b)v¬c)"
LP:pretty-set S
: Rewrites (pretty) all the formulas in a set of formulas
LP:pretty-set [["|" ["->" "a" "b"] ["-" "c"]] ["&" ["<->" "a" "b"] ["-" "c"]]] = "{((a→b)v¬c) , ((a↔b)^¬c)}"
LP:TreeLayout L
: Visual representation of the formulaL
(in tree-list format) -
LP:extract-vars S
: Returns a list of pairs[var n]
to identify vars of a formula with natural numbers (the vars are sorted in alphabetical order)
LP:extract-vars "(p->q)" = [["p" 1] ["q" 2]]
LP:extract-vars "(-(b&c)|a)" = [["a" 1] ["b" 2] ["c" 3]]
: Takes a formula tree and convert it into CNF (returns(- a)
LP:CNF ["|" ["->" "a" "b"] ["-" "c"]] = ["|" ["|" ["-" "a"] "b"] ["-" "c"]]
LP:CNF ["<->" "a" ["|" "b" "c"]] = ["&" ["|" ["-" "a"] ["|" "b" "c"]] ["&" ["|" ["-" "b"] "a"] ["|" ["-" "c"] "a"]]]
: Takes a formula tree and convert it into CNF, In contrast with previous version, this one returns literals (-a
LP:CNF2 ["|" ["->" "a" "b"] ["-" "c"]] = ["|" ["|" "-a" "b"] "-c"]
LP:CNF2 ["<->" "a" ["|" "b" "c"]] = ["&" ["|" "-a" ["|" "b" "c"]] ["&" ["|" "-b" "a"] ["|" "-c" "a"]]]
LP:clause-form L
: Clause Form conversion from CNF2 formula
LP:clause-form ["|" ["|" "-a" "b"] "-c"] = [["-a" "b" "-c"]]
LP:clause-form ["&" ["|" "-a" ["|" "b" "c"]] ["&" ["|" "-b" "a"] ["|" "-c" "a"]]] = [["-a" "b" "c"] ["-b" "a"] ["-c" "a"]]
LP:CleanCF L
: Returns a Clause Form removing duplicated clauses and tautologies (works with CNF and CNF2)
LP:cleanCF [["-a" "b" "-a"]] = [["-a" "b"]]
LP:cleanCF [["-a" "b"] ["-a" "b"] ["-a" "-b"]] = [["-a" "b"] ["-a" "-b"]]
: Performs the Semantic Tableau of a tree-list formula (return the complete tree)
(see sample models)
LP:DPLL C #debug
: applies DPLL (building the tree of clause sets) to a set of clause forms. (Reportstrue/false
(see sample models)
LP:DPLL-Consequence? f S #debug
: Uses DPLL to see iff
(string) is a logical consequence ofS
(list of strings). (Reportstrue/false
(see sample models)
- Add Resolution to LP.
- Add Forward Chaining to LP (RBS will be a part of LP).
- Add
,... - Add
function to evaluate formulas in valuations. - Add Truth tables.
- Refine algorithms (not so naive) for Resolution and DPLL. Try to provide good reports in order to practice with variants in an easy way.
- Add some models that make use of LP for intelligent agents.
- Add some approach to First Order Logic (write and decode formulas, unification, Herbrand, resolution,...)-> In a LPO library.