The logos are optimized (removed duplicated paths / excessive groups / empty defs, linting, etc). Some were recreated from rastered images.
• Always convert borders to paths. They use a fixed size and behave strangely when resized.
• Join all the paths into one and use it as a background/mask. Or at least overlap your paths.
Since I optimize all the files manually I won't accept pull requests with new logos. Please add your requests in the issues preferably with links to the vector files.
All logos appearing on the site are the property of their respective owners.
Blocs *
Chai *
Codeship *
Codrops *
Compass *
Cordova *
distelli *
Drone *
Enyo *
Firebase *
Flight *
Flow *
Framed *
Gradle *
hack *
Infer *
io.js *
Lodash *
Mithril *
Mocha *
Nuclide *
Spring *
TasteJS *
UnitJS *
Vagrant *
Vue.js *
webpack *
- Converted from raster image, svg font or adapted from complex AI files.