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File metadata and controls

222 lines (154 loc) · 9 KB

httr 0.4

New features

  • New headers() and cookies() functions to extract headers and cookies from responses. Previoulsy internal status_code() function now exported to extract status_code() from responses.

  • POST(), PUT(), and PATCH() now use encode argument to determine how list inputs are encoded. Valid values are "multiple", "form" or "json". The multipart argument is now deprecated (#103). You can stream a single file from disk with upload_file("path/"). The mime type will be guessed from the extension, or can be supplied explicitly as the second argument to upload_file().

  • progress() will display a progress bar, useful if you're doing large uploads or downloads (#17).

  • verbose() now uses a custom debug function so that you can see exactly what data is sent to the server. Arguments control exactly what is included, and the defaults have been selected to be more helpful for the most common cases (#102).

  • with_verbose() makes it easier to see verbose information when http requests are made within other functions (#87).

Documentation improvements

  • New quickstart vignette to help you get up and running with httr.

  • New api-packages vignette describes how best practices to follow when writing R packages that wrap web APIs.

  • httr_options() lists all known config options, translating between their short R names and the full libcurl names. The curl_doc() helper function allows you to jump directly to the online documentation for an option.

Minor improvements

  • authenticate() now defaults to type = "basic" which is pretty much the only type of authentication anyone uses.

  • Updated cacert.pem to version at 2014-04-22 (#114).

  • content_type(), content_type_xml() and content_type_json() make it easier to set the content type for POST requests (and other requests with a body).

  • has_content() tells you if request has any content associated with it (#91).

  • Add is_interactive() parameter to oauth_listener(), init_oauth1.0() and init_oauth2.0() (#90).

  • oauth_signature() and oauth_header() now exported to make it easier to construct custom authentication for APIs that use only some components of the full OAuth process (e.g. 2 legged OAuth).

  • NULL query parameters are now dropped automatically.

  • When print()ing a response, httr will only attempt to print the first few lines if it's a text format (i.e. either the main type is text or is application/json). It will also truncate each line so that it fits on screen - this should hopefully make it easier to see a little bit of the content, without filling the screen with gibberish.

  • new_bin() has been removed: it's easier to see what's going on in examples with

Bug fixes

  • user_agent() once again overrides default (closes #97)

  • parse(type = "auto") returns NULL if no content associated with request (#91).

  • Better strategy for resetting Curl handles prevents carry-over of error status and other problems (#112).

  • set_config() and with_config() now work with tokens (#111).

httr 0.3

OAuth improvements

OAuth 2.0 has recieved a major overhaul in this version. The authentication dance now works in more environments (including RStudio), and is generally a little faster. When working on a remote server, or if R's internet connection is constrained in other ways, you can now use out-of-band authentication, copying and pasting from any browser to your R session. OAuth tokens from endpoints that regularly expire access tokens can now be refreshed, and will be refresh automatically on authentication failure.

httr now uses project (working directory) based caching: every time you create or refresh a token, a copy of the credentials will be saved in .httr-oauth. You can override this default for individual tokens with the cache parameter, or globally with the httr_oauth_cache option. Supply either a logical vector (TRUE = always cache, FALSE = never cache, NA = ask), or a string (the path to the cache file).

You should NOT include this cache file in source code control - if you do, delete it, and reset your access token through the corresponding web interface. To help, httr will automatically add appropriate entries to .gitignore and .Rbuildignore.

These changes mean that you should only ever have to authenticate once per project, and you can authenticate from any environment in which you can run R. A big thanks go to Craig Citro (@craigcitro) from google, who contributed much code and many ideas to make this possible.

  • The OAuth token objects are now reference classes, which mean they can be updated in place, such as when an access token expires and needs to be refreshed. You can manually refresh by calling $refresh() on the object. You can force reinitialisation (to do the complete dance from scratch) by calling $reinit(force = TRUE).

  • If a signed OAuth2 request fails with a 401 and the credentials have a refresh_token, then the OAuth token will be automatically refreshed (#74).

  • OAuth tokens are cached locally in a file called .httr-oauth (unless you opt out). This file should not be included in source code control, and httr will automatically add to .gitignore and .Rbuildignore. The caching policy is described in more detail in the help for the Token class.

  • The OAuth2 dance can now be performed without running a local webserver (#33, thanks to @craigcitro). To make that the default, set options(httr_oob_default = TRUE). This is useful when running R remotely.

  • Add support for passing oauth2 tokens in headers instead of the URL, and make this the default (#34, thanks to @craigcitro).

  • OAuth endpoints can store arbitrary extra urls.

  • Use the httpuv webserver for the OAuth dance instead of the built-in httpd server (#32, thanks to @jdeboer). This makes the dance work in Rstudio, and also seems a little faster. Rook is no longer required.

  • oauth_endpoints() includes some popular OAuth endpoints.

Other improvements

  • HTTP verbs (GET(), POST() etc) now pass unnamed arguments to config() and named arguments to modify_url() (#81).

  • The placement of ... in POST(), PATCH() and PUT() has been tweaked so that you must always specify body and multipart arguments with their full name. This has always been recommended practice; now it is enforced.

  • httr includes its own copy of cacert.pem, which is more recent than the version included in RCurl (#67).

  • Added default user agent which includes versions of Curl, RCurl and httr.

  • Switched to jsonlite from rjson.

  • Content parsers no longer load packages on to search path.

  • stop_for_status() now raises errors with useful classes so that you can use tryCatch() to take different actions depending on the type of error. See http_condition() for more details.

  • httr now imports the methods package so that it works when called with Rscript.

  • New automatic parsers for mime types text/tab-separated-values and text/csv (#49)

  • Add support for fragment in url building/parsing (#70, thanks to @craigcitro).

  • You can suppress the body entirely in POST(), PATCH() and PUT() with body = FALSE.

Bug fixes

  • If you supply multiple headers of the same name, the value of the most recently set header will always be used.

  • Urls with missing query param values (e.g. are now parsed correctly (#27). The names of query params are now also escaped and unescaped correctly when parsing and building urls.

  • Default html parser is now XML::htmlParse() which is easier to use with xpath (#66).

httr 0.2

  • OAuth now uses custom escaping function which is guaranteed to work on all platforms (Fixes #21)

  • When concatenating configs, concatenate all the headers. (Fixes #19)

  • export hmac_sha1 since so many authentication protocols need this

  • content will automatically guess what type of output (parsed, text or raw) based on the content-type header. It also automatically converts text content to UTF-8 (using the charset in the media type) and can guess at mime type from extension if server doesn't supply one. Media type and encoding can be overridden with the type and encoding arguments respectively.

  • response objects automatically print content type to aid debugging.

  • text_content has become context(, "text") and parsed_content content(, "parsed"). The previous calls are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

  • In oauth_listener, use existing httpd port if help server has already been started. This allows the ouath authentication dance to work if you're in RStudio. (Fixes #15).

  • add several functions related to checking the status of an http request. Those are : status, url_ok and url_success as well as stop_for_status and warn_for_status.

  • build_url: correctly add params back into full url.

httr 0.1.1

  • Add new default config: use the standard SSL certificate

  • Add recommendation to use custom handles with authenticate