This example demonstrates some of the features of the apple_rules_lint
To get started run:
bazel build //project/...
The build will pass. It should do! It does almost nothing! Now run:
bazel test //project/...
No tests are run. Boo! That's no fun! But all's not lost! Open up the WORKSPACE
and change:
# "lint_example": "//:default_config",
"lint_example": "//:default_config",
What does this do? It says that rules that are aware of the lint_example
tool should be using the //:default_config
configuration for tests. By
default, we've set this up to fail all the lint tests.
But if you look closely, not all the lint tests have failed. This is because
the build file in //project/override
uses the package_lint_config_override
rule to override the configuration for the lint_example