v4.5.2 - 2024-05-08
- [4.x] Ensure logout requires authentication by @timacdonald in laravel#269
v4.5.1 - 2024-03-21
- [4.x] Make commands lazy by @timacdonald in laravel#264
- [4.x] Fixes defaults on confirm by @nunomaduro in laravel#265
v4.5.0 - 2024-03-04
- Fix supported Versions by @Seb33300 in laravel#261
- PHPUnit v11 support by @driesvints in laravel#262
- Test Improvements by @crynobone in laravel#263
v4.4.0 - 2024-01-12
- [4.x] Merges develop by @nunomaduro in laravel#259
v4.3.0 - 2023-12-19
- [4.x] Vite 5 by @timacdonald in laravel#258
v4.2.3 - 2023-11-23
- [4.x] Support pusher-js v8.0 by @antimech in laravel#256
v4.2.2 - 2023-05-09
- Update app.stub to preload the right font source by @tommica in laravel#248
v4.2.1 - 2023-02-17
- Remove lodash import by @emargareten in laravel#247
v4.2.0 - 2023-01-10
- Add Laravel 10 support by @jnoordsij in laravel#246
- Update @vitejs/plugin-vue version by @asherawelan in laravel#245
v4.1.1 - 2022-12-05
- Bump Bootstrap dependencies by @PerryvanderMeer in laravel#243
v4.1.0 - 2022-11-15
- Reactjs18 by @gqrlab in laravel#242
v4.0.2 - 2022-09-09
- Bump bootstrap version to latest by @kjoedion in laravel#237
v4.0.1 - 2022-09-07
- Update deprecated globing mechanism by @timacdonald in laravel#236
v4.0.0 - 2022-07-25
- Vite by @jessarcher in laravel#228 and in laravel#231
- Improves console output by @nunomaduro in laravel#233
- Drop support for Laravel 8 and PHP 7.3 & 7.4 by @driesvints in laravel#232
v3.4.6 - 2022-05-20
- Fixes AuthenticatesUsers always force remember me by @crynobone in laravel#227
v3.4.5 - 2022-02-22
- Update 2014_10_12_100000_create_password_resets_table.php by @ashkanfekridev in laravel#223
v3.4.4 - 2022-02-15
- Update ConfirmsPasswords.php by @hannah-massey in laravel#222
v3.4.3 - 2022-02-08
- Replace removeSpecialCharacters method with Str Helper Equivalent (#219)
- Update app.stub with correct Bootstrap 5 class (#215)
- Fix bug where special characters can be used when generating throttle key (#216)
- Fix Bootstrap 5 text alignment (#213)
- Update library to Boostrap 5 (#212)
- Laravel 9 Support (08ea313)
- Fix session issue (9fbdf77)
- Set
on login (#208)
- Use new Password::defaults() feature (#204)
- Tweak stubs for Mix 6 (#193)
- Added PHP 8 Support (#178)
- Add sourcemaps to webpack config (#168)
- Wrap login link in app.stub with a route check (#177)
- Laravel 8 support (#155)
- Fetch reset token explicitly (#130)
- Revert "Add namespace check to Auth routes" (#160)
- Remove Laravel 8 support (#154)
- Fix Bootstrap preset (#146)
- Add namespace check to Auth routes (#143)
- Laravel 8 support (4a0db5b)
- Remove caret and replace
display: none
- Allow for optional login and logout routes (#113)
- Missed localizable strings (#105)
- Fix confirm controller overwrite (#100)
- Confirm controller overwrite (#95)
- Make
options empty by default (47a0a1d)
- The UI package now contains all auth scaffolding from the laravel skeleton
- Use
v8 for Vue preset (bb64fca)
- Removed Laravel 7.0 support (0287d4ee)
- Change the specified time until re-authentication (#37)
- Add
to exported views (#36)
- Add password confirmation screen (#34)
- Remove X-CSRF-TOKEN header from Axios instance (#23)
- Replace tab to space (#28)
- Add missing semicolon to avoid unnecessary diff (#32)
- Update resolve-url-loader dependency constraint (#33)
- Add macro check on ui:auth command (#16)
Initial commit.