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92 lines (65 loc) · 5.38 KB

app-router change log


  • Adding ability to bundle templates and select by ID <app-route path="/home" import="pages/bundled-templates.html" template="homepage"></app-route>.
  • Adding async flag to <app-route> HTML imports. By default HTML imports block rendering of the page. The router waits for the link's load event to fire before using the imported document so this will speed up rendering when navigating between routes.


  • Adding onUrlChange="reload|updateModel|noop" attribute to <app-route>. This is useful when you have nested routers and you only want to change the inner most route.


  • Fixing bug where navigating multiple times before any page finishes importing will lose the reference to the currently loaded route (previousRoute) before it is removed from the DOM.
  • Adding route.importLink reference.


  • Fixed bug where navigating to the same link twice with core-animated-pages would remove the page after 5 seconds.


  • Adding globstar ** support.
  • Adding relative paths users/:userId which is the same as /**/users/:userId.


  • Fixed bug where calling router.go('/path') on the current path wouldn't reload the page.
  • Switched router.go('/path') to fire a popstate event instead of directly calling stateChange() in order to support multiple routers on the same page.


  • Fixing bug where router.go('/path') would replace state instead of push state.


  • Adding typecast="auto|string" option on the app-router. Path variables and query parameters are typecast to numbers, booleans, and unescaped strings by default. Now you can get the raw string with typecast="string".
  • Optimized hash fragment changes so that if only the hash fragment changes it will scroll to the fragment and not reload the entire page.


  • Fixing bug where the before-data-binding event wasn't using the updated model if the entire model was replaced.


  • Added ability to scroll to hash fragment on navigation. For example, will now scroll to an element with id="middle" or name="middle".


  • Added data binding to <template> tags when Polymer (TemplateBinding.js) is present.
  • Added bindRouter attribute to pass the router to the app-route's page.
  • Added before-data-binding event to add properties to a model before it's bound to the route's custom element or template.
  • Fixed a core-animated-pages bug where multiple URLs matched the same app-route (ex: path="/page/:num" and paths /page/1, /page/2).


  • The move from platform.js to webcomponents.js removed the URL() constructor polyfill. The v2.0.3 fix created a bug in Safari when parsing the URL. This fixes Safari.


  • The move from platform.js to webcomponents.js removed the URL() constructor polyfill webcomponents/webcomponentsjs#53. IE doesn't support the URL() constructor yet so this fix is adding URL parse support for IE.


  • Fixing issue 19 using best effort approach. Use template.createInstance() if Polymer is loaded, otherwise use document.importNode().


  • Fixing bug where multiple <app-route>s had an active attribute.


New features

  • Added support for <core-animated-pages>. Example: set up the router like <app-router core-animated-pages transitions="hero-transition cross-fade"> then include the hero and cross-fade attributes on the elements you want transitioned.

Breaking changes

  • Previously the active route's content was under an <active-route> element. Now the content for the route is under it's <app-route> element. This changed to support <core-animated-pages>.
  • The <active-route> element and router.activeRouteContent have been removed.
  • Removed the shadow attribute from the <app-router>. This was applied to the <active-route> element which no longer exists.


Breaking changes

  • pathType="auto|hash|regular" has been replaced with mode="auto|hash|pushstate" for redirects, router.go(path, options), and testing routes.

New features

  • Added support for redirects with <app-route path="..." redirect="/other/path"></app-route>.
  • Added router.go(path, options). Example: document.querySelector('app-router').go('/home', {replace: true}).
  • Note: If you're using redirects or go() you should specify the mode with <app-router mode="pushstate|hash"></app-router>. Leaving the mode as auto (the default) will change the hash, even if you wanted it to change the real path with pushstate.


  • Refactor parseUrl() to use the native URL() constructor and return additional information about the hash path.
  • Cleaned up testRoute() and routeArguments() with additional information from parseUrl().
  • Moved utility functions to AppRouter.util.


  • Fixed bug where the regular path was being used when pathType="hash" was set on the router.


  • template no longer required on inline template routes.
  • Only use app-routes that are direct children of the router by replacing querySelector() with firstElementChild and iterating with nextSibling.
  • Took internal functions off the public API and simplified parameters.


  • Added the pathType attribute to the router. The options are auto, hash, and regular.