Structured-Self-Attention Public
Forked from kaushalshetty/Structured-Self-AttentionA Structured Self-attentive Sentence Embedding
Python UpdatedFeb 12, 2019 -
ExtremeNet Public
Forked from xingyizhou/ExtremeNetBottom-up Object Detection by Grouping Extreme and Center Points
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJan 28, 2019 -
quantized_distillation Public
Forked from antspy/quantized_distillationImplements quantized distillation. Code for our paper "Model compression via distillation and quantization"
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 24, 2019 -
torchcv Public
Forked from donnyyou/torchcvA PyTorch-Based Framework for Deep Learning in Computer Vision
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 21, 2019 -
E2E-MLT Public
Forked from MichalBusta/E2E-MLTE2E-MLT - an Unconstrained End-to-End Method for Multi-Language Scene Text
C++ UpdatedJan 15, 2019 -
MORAN_v2 Public
Forked from Canjie-Luo/MORAN_v2MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 12, 2019 -
SAR-Strong-Baseline-for-Text-Recognition Public
Forked from wangpengnorman/SAR-Strong-Baseline-for-Text-RecognitionSAR: A Simple and Strong Baseline for Irregular Text Recognition
Lua UpdatedJan 12, 2019 -
pytorch-openai-transformer-lm Public
Forked from huggingface/pytorch-openai-transformer-lmA PyTorch implementation of OpenAI's finetuned transformer language model with a script to import the weights pre-trained by OpenAI
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2019 -
fonts Public
Forked from powerline/fontsPatched fonts for Powerline users.
Shell UpdatedJan 2, 2019 -
SceneTextPapers Public
Forked from Jyouhou/SceneTextPapersTracking the latest progress in Scene Text Detection and Recognition: Must-read papers well organized
UpdatedDec 28, 2018 -
pytorch-qrnn Public
Forked from salesforce/pytorch-qrnnPyTorch implementation of the Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network - up to 16 times faster than NVIDIA's cuDNN LSTM
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 13, 2018 -
FOTS.PyTorch Public
Forked from jiangxiluning/FOTS.PyTorchFOTS Pytorch Implementation
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 11, 2018 -
pytorch-kaldi Public
Forked from mravanelli/pytorch-kaldipytorch-kaldi is a project for developing state-of-the-art DNN/RNN hybrid speech recognition systems. The DNN part is managed by pytorch, while feature extraction, label computation, and decoding a…
Perl UpdatedNov 20, 2018 -
rethinking-network-pruning Public
Forked from Eric-mingjie/rethinking-network-pruningRethinking the Value of Network Pruning (Pytorch)
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 4, 2018 -
attn2d Public
Forked from elbayadm/attn2dPervasive Attention: 2D Convolutional Networks for Sequence-to-Sequence Prediction
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 29, 2018 -
helit Public
Forked from thaines/helitMy machine learning/computer vision library for all of my recent papers, plus algorithms that I just like.
Python UpdatedSep 13, 2018 -
Tensorflow re-implementation of the recognition part the paper "Deep TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Scene Text Localization and Recognition Framework"
Python UpdatedAug 31, 2018 -
cycada_release Public
Forked from jhoffman/cycada_releaseCode to accompany ICML 2018 paper
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedAug 10, 2018 -
SynthText_Chinese_version Public
Forked from realwill/SynthText_Chinese_versionModify from https://github.com/ankush-me/SynthText.git to generate chinese character
C++ UpdatedAug 3, 2018 -
transferlearning Public
Forked from jindongwang/transferlearningEverything about Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation--迁移学习
Python UpdatedAug 2, 2018 -
deep-transfer-learning Public
Forked from easezyc/deep-transfer-learningA collection of implementations of deep domain adaptation algorithms
Python UpdatedJul 11, 2018 -
RL-Adventure-2 Public
Forked from higgsfield-ai/higgsfieldPyTorch0.4 implementation of: actor critic / proximal policy optimization / acer / ddpg / twin dueling ddpg / soft actor critic / generative adversarial imitation learning / hindsight experience re…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 21, 2018 -
see Public
Forked from Bartzi/seeCode for the AAAI 2018 publication "SEE: Towards Semi-Supervised End-to-End Scene Text Recognition"
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 8, 2018 -
DeepCompression-PyTorch Public
Forked from jack-willturner/deep-compressionLearning both Weights and Connections for Efficient Neural Networks https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.02626
Python UpdatedMay 1, 2018 -
sphereface_pytorch Public
Forked from clcarwin/sphereface_pytorchA PyTorch Implementation of SphereFace.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2018 -
Variational-NMT Public
Forked from wang-h/Variational-NMTVariational Neural Machine Translation System
Python UpdatedApr 24, 2018 -
pytorch-adda Public
Forked from corenel/pytorch-addaA PyTorch implementation for Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 24, 2018 -
Augmentor Public
Forked from mdbloice/AugmentorImage augmentation library in Python for machine learning.
Python Other UpdatedMar 23, 2018 -
undreamt Public
Forked from artetxem/undreamtUnsupervised Neural Machine Translation
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 19, 2018