This repository contains the code to calculate Normalized Scanpath Saliency (NSS) metric for each subject of the dataset ET-ADHD, video and saliency model. The used saliency models are ViNet, DeepGazeII (static), Finegrained (static) and Spectral (static).
To calculate NSS for a video and a saliency model, from the notebook folder (see for argument options):
python -V 'Present' -S 'spectral'
To join all results of NSS for each saliency model:
To download saliency maps and results:
This repository is linked as follow
├── cache
├── data
│ ├── archive
│ └── ETFinalCutSampleEC07
│ └── ETFinalCutSample
├── notebooks
│ └── scripts
├── results
│ ├── FF
│ ├── TP
│ └── WK
├── videos_data
│ ├── Diary
│ ├── Fractals
│ └── Present
└── videos_sal
├── deepgazeii
│ ├── Diary
│ ├── Fractals
│ └── Present
├── finegrained
│ ├── Diary
│ ├── Fractals
│ └── Present
├── spectral
│ ├── Diary
│ ├── Fractals
│ └── Present
└── vinet
├── Diary
├── Fractals
└── Present