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A Firebase Extension for authentication with WebAuthn passkeys.

This package conforms to the Firebase Extensions spec and is available from either NPM or the Extensions Hub.

GitHub workflow status Latest version in NPM



To install from the Extensions Hub, click the button above or run the following commands in your project root:

% firebase ext:install gavinsawyer/firebase-web-authn

To install from NPM, run the following commands in your project root:

% npm i @firebase-web-authn/extension --save-dev
% firebase ext:install ./node_modules/@firebase-web-authn/extension

Using NPM is recommended to receive updates to the extension alongside other FirebaseWebAuthn dependencies.


Before installing this extension, you'll need to set up these services in your project. This must be done both in the Firebase Console and initialized in the application:

  • App Check with reCAPTCHA Enterprise or v3
  • Authentication with the anonymous provider
  • Firestore
  • Functions

Additional setup:

  1. Create a Firestore Database to store public key credentials with the ID ext-firebase-web-authn and location matching the function deployment. It is recommended to choose either nam5 in North America or eur3 in Europe and to enable delete protection:

    % firebase firestore:databases:create ext-firebase-web-authn --location ${MULTI_REGION_NAME} --delete-protection ENABLED
  2. As of July 2024, supported roles for Firebase Extensions do not include iam.serviceAccounts.signBlob or which are needed for custom auth providers.

    • After deploying the extension, grant the Service Account Token Creator and Service Usage Consumer roles to the extension's service account in IAM under Firebase Extensions firebase-web-authn service account > Edit > Assign roles.
    • If the service account isn't appearing, click Grant Access and enter its address as ext-firebase-web-authn@${PROJECT_ID}
  3. The browser must reach FirebaseWebAuthn from the same domain as your website. Modify your firebase.json to include a rewrite on each app where you'd like to use passkeys:

      "hosting": [
          "target":   "...",
          "rewrites": [
              "source":   "/firebase-web-authn-api",
              "function": "ext-firebase-web-authn-api"

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