Custom basic authentication
- meta.location needs to show protocol and port
- memuser.showHeaders now works without error
- added basic auth option with custom user and password
- use default JVM timezone for showing timestamps, e.g. meta.created, etc
- created simple index.html home page with getting started links
- bump versions of several dependencies to fix security warnings
- remove nginxtlsproxy image for e2e testing
- we now use spring TLS configuration for e2e testing
- updated documentation
SCIM 2.0 PATCH/filter/Groups
- better error messages when user cannot be created
- Json requests now use case-insensitive parsing
- /{domain}/Groups support per SCIM 2.0 spec (RFC 7643 RFC 7644)
- /{domain}/ServiceProviderConfig and /{domain}/serviceConfiguration
- now using unboundid SCIM library
- now using Spring Boot 2.5.2
- upgraded many dependencies for compatibility with Spring Boot 2.5.2
- /{domain}/User now supports SCIM features like filter,sort,attributes,excludedAttributes
- support for SCIM PATCH /{domain}/Users/{id}
- support for SCIM PATCH /{domain}/Groups/{id}
- upgrade gradle wrapper to version 7.0.2
- optimized docker image layers
- upgrade upbanner-starter to 2.3.3
- support for SCIM GET /{domain}/ResourceTypes
- support for SCIM GET /{domain}/Schemas
Bug fix release
- upgraded upbanner-starter to 2.3.1 for better compatibility with spring-boot-devtools
- SCIM Uris were case sensitive. They are case-insensitive now.
- SCIM attribute names were case sensitive. They are case-insensitive now.
- "active" attribute on a User is now forced to be parsed as boolean and not an arbitrary type
Multiple Domains
- new option to add unlimited number of test users on startup
- new ability for multiple domains of Users where each domain is stored completely independent from each other
To use the multiple domain feature, just change the url. For example, use this for the fakehr, contractors and partners domains. http://localhost:8080/api/multiv2/fakehr/Users/ http://localhost:8080/api/multiv2/contractors/Users/ http://localhost:8080/api/multiv2/partners/Users/
No setup is required. All data is still stored in-memory only.
Unreleased bug fixes
- initial ability to add test users on startup
- timestamps should be returned with millisecond precision and not truncated
Proxy integration
- requests now honor X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Host headers for use behind a proxy
Pageable Users
- GET /api/v2/User is now pageable using 2 different clients
- responses are now pageable per SCIM RFC 7644. pingidentity SCIM 2.0 client uses this page format
- responses are now pageable per RFC 5988. jhipster generated clients use this page format
- added CORS support
initial SCIM 2.0 support
- option to load test users on startup
- ability to run under HTTPS
- better handling of ISO 8601 Dates
- correct handling of meta.location
- corrected /ServiceProviderConfig
- HTTP PUT /Users/{id} now works
- HTTP DELETE /Users/{id} now works
- HTTP DELETE /Users/ now works to delete all users without needing to restart
- fixed schemas parsing