A node.js wrapper for the MailChimp API.
node-mailchimp exposes the following features of the MailChimp API to your node.js application:
- MailChimp API (Version 1.3 and 1.2)
- MailChimp Export API (Version 1.0)
- MailChimp Webhooks
Further information on the MailChimp API and its features is available at
Installing using npm (node package manager):
npm install mailchimp
If you don't have npm installed or don't want to use it:
cd ~/.node_libraries
git clone git://github.com/gomfunkel/node-mailchimp.git mailchimp
Please note that parts of node-mailchimp depend on request by Mikeal Rogers. This library needs to be installed for the API and Export API to work.
More or less proper documentation can be found in the source code. Available API functions and their documentation can be found at http://www.mailchimp.com/api/. You can also find further information on how to obtain an API key and much more on the MailChimp API pages.
MailChimp API:
var MailChimpAPI = require('mailchimp').MailChimpAPI;
var apiKey = 'Your MailChimp API Key';
try {
var api = new MailChimpAPI(apiKey, { version : '1.3', secure : false });
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error: ' + error);
api.campaigns({ start: 0, limit: 25 }, function (data) {
if (data.error)
console.log('Error: '+data.error+' ('+data.code+')');
console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); // Do something with your data!
api.campaignStats({ cid : '/* CAMPAIGN ID */' }, function (data) {
if (data.error)
console.log('Error: '+data.error+' ('+data.code+')');
console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); // Do something with your data!
MailChimp Export API:
var MailChimpExportAPI = require('mailchimp').MailChimpExportAPI;
var apiKey = 'Your MailChimp API Key';
try {
var exportApi = new MailChimpExportAPI(apiKey, { version : '1.0', secure: false });
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error: ' + error);
exportApi.list({ id : '/* LIST ID */' }, function (data) {
if (data.error)
console.log('Error: '+data.error+' ('+data.code+')');
console.log(data); // Do something with your data!
MailChimp Webhooks:
var MailChimpWebhook = require('mailchimp').MailChimpWebhook;
var webhook = new MailChimpWebhook();
webhook.on('error', function (message) {
console.log('Error: '+message);
webhook.on('subscribe', function (data, meta) {
console.log(data.email+' subscribed to your newsletter!'); // Do something with your data!
webhook.on('unsubscribe', function (data, meta) {
console.log(data.email+' unsubscribed from your newsletter!'); // Do something with your data!
- Implement API version 1.1
- Webhooks over HTTPS
node-mailchimp is licensed under the MIT License. (See LICENSE)