A simple PHP wrapper class for PHP's IMAP-related email handling functions.
Connect to an IMAP account by creating a new Imap object with the required parameters:
$host = 'imap.example.com';
$user = 'johndoe';
$pass = '12345';
$port = 993;
$ssl = true;
$folder = 'INBOX';
$mailbox = new Imap($host, $user, $pass, $port, $ssl, $folder);
Get a list of all mailboxes:
Get an array of message counts (recent, unread, and total):
Get an associative array of message ids and subjects:
Load details for a message by id.
$id = 2;
Delete a message by id.
$id = 2;
More methods and documentation can be found in the Imap.php class file.
Imap is licensed under the MIT (Expat) license. See included LICENSE.md.