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Flutter + EdgeDB example

An example Flutter project using EdgeDB.

Getting Started

This project is the default starting point for a Flutter application as created by flutter create, with a few changes to demonstrate how to get started with using EdgeDB.

To try out this example:

  1. First run edgedb project init, follow the prompts to create a new development database instance.

  2. Run flutter pub run build_runner build to generate typed query methods for the .edgeql query files.

  3. Finally, run flutter run.

Note: Currently there are a few caveats that come with using edgedb on the client side (as opposed to on the server):

  • You will need to explicitly provide connection details to createClient(). Normally it relies relies on the app being run from your project directory (or with enviroment variables in production) which won't be available in the compiled client app.
  • You'll also likely want to limit the data a user of the app can access. For this we recommend using access policies.

For more details on EdgeDB or the Dart edgedb package, check out our docs:

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.