- Pro
probml-notebooks Public
Forked from probml/probml-notebooksNotebooks for "Probabilistic Machine Learning" book
Personalized-News-Recommendation Public
Forked from antonismand/Personalized-News-RecommendationMulti Armed Bandits implementation using the Yahoo! Front Page Today Module User Click Log Dataset
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 5, 2021 -
msc-dissertation Public
Repository of code, files and images of the Msc. dissertation in mathematical sciences at QMUL
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 26, 2021 -
awesome-jax Public
Forked from n2cholas/awesome-jaxJAX - A curated list of resources https://github.com/google/jax
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedJun 21, 2021 -
QMUL Public
Repository of code and notes for the MSc. in Maths at Queen Mary University of London
rl-ou-process Public
Reinforcement Learning over an Ornstein Uhlenbeck process
machine_learning Public
A repository with a bunch of machine learning
hora-de-codigo Public
Repositorio para el taller "hora de código" el 29 de abril de 2019
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 29, 2019 -
python_uma Public
Repositorio de código para clases de Python impartidas en la Universidad Marista
UMA Public
Code and notebooks done in classes at the Universidad Marista
2016-actuarial-congress Public
Presentations, code and python notebooks for the 2016 actuarial congress at the Universidad Marista
HTML UpdatedMar 30, 2018 -
machine_learning_uma Public
Repositorio de código para clases de Introducción al Machine Learning @ UMA
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 22, 2018 -
convex_nonconvex Public
A personal essay about convexity problems in machine learning
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedFeb 1, 2018 -
Theoretical Grounds and Market Adaptations of Financial FX and Interest Rate Options
intro_neural_nets Public
Presentación sobre redes neuronales para el congreso actuarial 2017 de la Universidad Marista
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 16, 2017 -
ISLR Public
Exercises, code and analyses of the Introduction to Statistical Learning book and MOOC
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 1, 2017 -
FERM Public
Code and homeworks for the Financial Engineering Course at Coursera
Python UpdatedOct 7, 2016 -
CSS UpdatedMar 11, 2016