JavaScript Data Grid / Data Table with a Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Works with React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team ⚡
modest natural-language processing
An image effects library for JavaScript using WebGL
Developer friendly Natural Language Processing ✨
Simple WebRTC Peer 2 Peer connections using WebTorrent trackers as the signalling server. Use WebTorrent trackers for any kind of WebRTC app ! 🔥 Make WebRTC apps fast & easy ! 🚀⭐
Interactively edit individual DCT blocks in any JPEG image in the browser.
Extension that restores RSS Feed Livemarks in Firefox.
Binary-to-text encoding highly optimised for UTF-16
Prefix Search as a Service, built using Node.js, Express, Redis, and MongoDB
Minimal boilerplate and configuration for the development of static react & es6 sites
Did you know you can apply effects to your WebRTC video stream using WebGL Shaders?
JWT generation and user interface for, built using Node.js and Express