A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
proxmox ve tools script(debian9+ can use it).Including email, samba, NFS set zfs max ram, nested virtualization ,docker , pci passthrough etc. for english user,please look the end of readme.
State of Linux on the MacBook Pro 2016 & 2017
A windows applications setup wizard for Chinese wine users
A shell script which convert gfwlist into dnsmasq rules. Python version:
Tool and recipes to convert existing deb packages to AppImage
🐳 vsftpd Docker image based on Centos 7. Supports passive mode and virtual users.
Scripts for getting Redmi AX3000 (aka. AX6) SSH access.
Easy to use deployment tool for an OpenNebula evaluation environment
Docker:Filerun+AriaNg+Aria2,Personal cloud disk 搭建个人的可离线云盘
主要更新AX6!其他AX3600和AX9000暂时无更新,每个版本对应固件名称及大小不一样,看清楚下载。不搞多神秘什么本地编译啥的,涵盖的机型-AX6-AX3600-AX9000。部分插件源码均拉取原作者最新的。Boos4721源编译的固件特别说明: 管理地址: 登陆密码:boos 无线密码:1234567890 新增恢复5.10内核固件的支持!目前仅AX6和AX3600…
Script to perform directory diffs using an external diff tool in Git
Host-accessible containers with Docker for Mac
Provides a central place to store, version and distribute ZPanel installers and upgrade scripts from.
Patchset for MIPS74Kc AR71xx For LEDE Project
Xiaomi Mi5 (gemini) device configuration