mist.tests is where the testing suite for the Mist.io code resides. Two types of tests are being performed:
- API tests, that use py.test
- and GUI tests that use behave and selenium
No installation is required. mist.tests should already be under mist.io/tests/ directory. If it is not, run git submodule init && git submodule update
In order to create the image that is used for tests, you need to run under the tests directory:
docker build -t mistio/tests.
To enter the tests container run the following command:
docker run -p 5900:5900 -it mistio/tests /bin/bash
You can run tests either by using Vault for obtaining sensitive data, such as cloud credentials, or by setting a test_settings.py file under tests directory.
To run tests using Vault export your Vault server's IP address as $VAULT_ADDR and then run:
You can run the entire API tests suite or GUI tests suite, or specify the tests you want to run.
Run ./run_tests -h for more info.
Usage of Vault is not necessary. You can insert a test_settings.py file under tests directory, and set VAULT_ENABLED variable to False.
All the variables needed for the tests will be obtained from test_settings.py in this case.
To run tests without Vault usage flag '-t' is needed:
./run_tests -t -api
You can always run tests by invoking py.test or behave. For example, for running machines API tests you need to run:
pytest tests/api/io/machines.py
while for GUI machines tests you should run
behave -k --tags=machines tests/gui/core/pr/features/