The following institutions support IPython with significant resources:
In the summer of 2013, Microsoft made a $100,000 donation to support all aspects of the IPython project.
In December 2012, IPython was awarded a $1.15 million grant from the `Alfred P. Sloan Foundation`_ that will fund the core team for the 2013-2014 period.
As of Summer 2013, Rackspace generously provides cloud hosting for the project. This is used for development and the hosting of IPython related services, such as the IPython Notebook Viewer. We thank Jesse Noller and Kyle Kelley at Rackspace for setting up this sponsorship and helping with deployment respectively.
If you would like to support the project by making a substantial or periodic contribution, please contact us directly ([email protected]). All donations to IPython are handled by NumFOCUS_ and are tax-deductible in the USA.
Individuals can also donate to IPython, and we are grateful for every contribution!
We gratefully acknowledge the support we've received over the years from the following sources:
- Since 2011, we have had support from the US DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP_), which funds several IPython developers in collaboration with the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC_) that provides computing resources and support from the staff.
- `Enthought Inc`_ has supported IPython since its beginning in multiple forms, including --but not limited to-- the funding of our Qt console, hosting our website for many years, the continued hosting of our mailing lists, and the inclusion of IPython in `Enthought Canopy`_.
- NiPy_/NIH: funding via the NiPy project (NIH grant 5R01MH081909-02) supported our 2009 refactoring work.
- Sage_/NSF: funding via the grant Sage: Unifying Mathematical Software for Scientists, Engineers, and Mathematicians (NSF grant DMS-1015114) supported our Seattle 2011 developer meeting.
- Microsoft's team working on Python Tools for Visual Studio developed the integraton of IPython into the Python plugin for Visual Studio 2010.
- Tech-X Corporation supported in 2008 the development of our parallel computing tools.
- Google Summer of Code: in 2005 and 2010 we've had GSoC support for prototypes in several areas of the project.
- The Ohio Supercomputer Center and the Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP), for sponsoring work in 2009 on our parallel computing tools.
- Bivio Software hosted an IPython sprint in 2006, in addition to their support of the Front Range Pythoneers group in Boulder, CO.
- GitHub_ hosts our development workflow and documentation.