- Foz do Iguacu - PR
📚 Freely available programming books
12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
🌐 List of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes in all languages and data formats.
A few simple, but solid patterns for responsive HTML email templates and newsletters. Even in Outlook and Gmail.
AngularJS implementation of the RDash admin dashboard theme
Adminator is easy to use and well design admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 5 for web apps, websites, services and more
[Book] 2019 edition of our front-end development handbook
A suite of polyfills supporting the HTML Web Components specs
Beautiful JavaScript notifications with Web Notifications support.
Beautiful responsive email templates with code as beautiful as email templates can be
A simple tool to identify and upgrade old browsers.
Free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite
(🗃️ Archived) Vue 2 directive for custom scrollbar that uses native scroll behavior. Lightweight, performant, customizable and without dependencies. Used successfully in production on https://ggath…
A mobile and touch friendly input spinner component for Bootstrap.
Angularjs datepicker module, generate a datepicker on your input element - https://720kb.github.io/angular-datepicker
[Book] JavaScript (ES2015+) Enlightenment