Update 03_2019: forked and tried to translate to english. Corrections are welcome.
I added a little (2018.12.12). Since the web interface is likely to be beyond the scope of introductory, I will consider how to do it.
What is chemoinformatics?
What is RDKit?
Target audience
Anaconda(Python, Jupyter, scikit-learn)
Python basics
Let’s use it conveniently with Jupyter notebook
To do machine learning with Python
Search for the information you want on ChEMBL
What is SMILES?
Let’s draw the structure
How to handle multiple compounds at once?
Descriptor, fingerprint
Calculate similarity
Virtual screening
Classification by major skeleton (MCS)
Compound Network by Matched Molecular Pair
Visualize MMP networks using Cytoscape
Chemical Spaceとは
Mapping using tSNE
Consider the cause of the effect (Classification problem)
Predict the efficacy of drugs (regression problem)
Model applicability (applicability domain)
About TensorFlow and Keras
Google colab
Let’s install
Predictive model construction using DNN
I will devise a descriptor (neural fingerprint)
Structure generation using Recurrent Neural Network