Łapka (pronounce as ˈwapka, Polish for a paw) is an app to help browse and adopt animals from shelters 😍 🐶 🐱
Ten plik jest również dostępny po polsku.
This project requires Python 3.6. I recommend using pyenv to manage Python versions installed on your system. And this is how to set up your dev environment after installing pyenv:
ENV_NAME=lapka # or any other name you like
pyenv install 3.6.0
pyenv virtualenv $ENV_NAME $PY36 # create a virtualenv for development
pyenv local $PY36/env/$ENV_NAME $PY36 # set both versions as your local Python
# 1st for development, 2nd for Tox
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt -c constraints.txt
Tests, coverage, linter and other are run using Tox. Run all environments by
typing tox
or choose a specific one (with tox -e NAME
- run unit and integration tests, measure coverage,style
- check code and docs style, cyclomatic complexity,upgrade
- test if dependencies can be safely upgraded. Depends on test unit and integration tests success!
Similary, I'm using nvm to manage Node.js versions. This is how to run JS tests:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.1/install.sh | bash
nvm install $NODE_VER
echo $NODE_VER > .nvmrc
nvm use
cd ui/
npm install # setup of nvm and Node ends here
npm test # run this inside ui/js directory