Allowing the user to scroll with two fingers (#70)
selection.on('beforestart', (() => {
let timeout = null;
return ({oe}) => {
// Check if user already tapped inside of a selection-area.
if (timeout !== null) {
// A second pointer-event occured, ignore that one.
timeout = null;
} else {
// Wait 50ms in case the user uses two fingers to scroll.
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
// OK User used only one finger, we can safely initiate a selection and reset the timer.
timeout = null;
}, 50);
// Never start automatically.
return false;
Preventing the start of a selection based on certain conditions (#73)
selection.on('beforestart', evt => {
return !evt.oe.path.some(item => {
// item is in this case an element affected by the event-bubbeling.
// To exclude elements with class "blocked" you could do the following (#73):
return item.classList.contains('blocked');
// If the areas you're using contains input elements you might want to prevent
// any out-going selections from these elements (#72):
return !== 'INPUT';
Feel free to submit a PR or create an issue if you got any ideas for more examples!