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This directory contains the C and C++ code from the book
"Graphics Gems IV", edited by Paul Heckbert, Academic Press, 1994.

Comments in the source file or subdirectory's README file tell you
if the code is old C, ANSI C, or C++.


file or		book	chapter title and author
directory      chapter

		I	Polygons and Polyhedra

centroid.c	I.1	Centroid of a Polygon
			Gerard Bashein and Paul R. Detmer

convex_test/	I.2	Testing the Convexity of a Polygon
			Peter Schorn and Frederick Fisher

ptpoly_weiler/	I.3	An Incremental Angle Point in Polygon Test
			Kevin Weiler

ptpoly_haines/	I.4	Point in Polygon Strategies
			Eric Haines

delaunay/	I.5	Incremental Delaunay Triangulation
			Dani Lischinski

vert_norm/	I.6	Building Vertex Normals from an Unstructured Polygon
			Andrew Glassner

collide.c	I.8	Fast Collision Detection of Moving Convex Polyhedra
			Rich Rabbitz

		II	Geometry

dist_fast.c	II.2	Fast Linear Approximations of Euclidean Distance in
			    Higher Dimensions
			Yoshikazu Ohashi

outcode/	II.3	Direct Outcode Calculation for Faster Clip Testing
			Walt Donovan and Tim Van Hook

sph_poly.c	II.4	Computing the Area of a Spherical Polygon
			Robert D. Miller

		III	Transformations

arcball/	III.1	Arcball Rotation Control
			Ken Shoemake

inv_fast.c	III.3	Fast Inversion of Length- and Angle-Preserving Matrices
			Kevin Wu

polar_decomp/	III.4	Polar Matrix Decomposition
			Ken Shoemake

euler_angle/	III.5	Euler Angle Conversion
			Ken Shoemake

		IV	Curves and Surfaces

data_smooth/	IV.1	Smoothing and Interpolation with Finite Differences
			Paul H. C. Eilers

curve_isect/	IV.4	Intersecting Parametric Cubic Curves by Midpoint
			R. Victor Klassen

patch_conv.C	IV.5	Converting Rectangular Patches into Bezier Triangles
			Dani Lischinski

nurb_polyg/	IV.6	Tessellation of NURB Surfaces
			John W. Peterson

implicit.c	IV.8	An Implicit Surface Polygonizer
			Jules Bloomenthal

		V	Ray Tracing

ray_cyl.c	V.2	Intersecting a Ray with a Cylinder
			Joseph M. Cychosz and Warren N. Waggenspack, Jr.

vox_traverse.c	V.3	Voxel Traversal along a 3D Line
			Daniel Cohen

multi_jitter/	V.4	Multi-Jittered Sampling
			Kenneth Chiu, Peter Shirley, and Changyaw Wang

minray/		V.5	A Minimal Ray Tracer
			Paul S. Heckbert

		VII	Frame Buffer Techniques

dyn_range/	VII.3	High Dynamic Range Pixels
			Christophe Schlick

		VIII	Image Processing

emboss.c	VIII.1	Fast Embossing Effects on Raster Image Data
			John Schlag

coons_warp.c	VIII.2	Bilinear Coons Patch Image Warping
			Paul S. Heckbert

convolve.c	VIII.3	Fast Convolution with Packed Lookup Tables
			George Wolberg and Henry Massalin

thin_image.c	VIII.4	Efficient Binary Image Thinning using Neighborhood Maps
			Joseph M. Cychosz

clahe.c		VIII.5	Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization
			Karel Zuiderveld	VIII.6	Ideal Tiles for Shading and Halftoning
			Alan Wm Paeth

		IX	Graphic Design

graph_layout/	IX.2	Dynamic Layout Algorithm to Display General Graphs
			Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos

		X	Utilities

trilerp.c	X.1	Tri-linear Interpolation
			Steve Hill

interp_fast.c	X.2	Faster Linear Interpolation
			Steven Eker

vec_mat/	X.3	C++ Vector and Matrix Algebra Routines
			Jean-Francois Doue
			    (there's a ray caster in the subdirectory "ray")

GraphicsGems.c	X.4	C Header File and Vector Library
GraphicsGems.h		Andrew Glassner and Eric Haines

This code is available on the Internet by anonymous FTP from
( in the directory pub/Graphics/GraphicsGems/GemsIV.
These FTP versions are updated periodically with bug fixes.

If you have corrections to this code, email to [email protected] .

Paul Heckbert, 3/15/94


5/16/94 - lint fixes made to many pieces of code; mostly cosmetic (Eric Haines)

8/18/94 - in README, fixed FTP path & added bug email addr. (Paul Heckbert)