bundle install --path vendor/bundle
To start a local development server
bundle exec jekyll server
Go to http://localhost:4000/wash/
to see the site running. Changes will be picked up automatically without restarting the server.
To just build the site:
bundle exec jekyll build
api docs are generated using go-swagger. Install swagger
go get -u github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/cmd/swagger
Then run it and redoc-cli from the project root to update the static docs page.
swagger generate spec > docs/_docs/api.json
npx redoc-cli bundle docs/_docs/api.json -o docs/_docs/api.html --options.nativeScrollbars
You'll need to install asciinema and doitlive.
All screencast scripts are located in _screencasts/<category>/<script>
. To record a screencast, start-up a Wash shell then in that shell run
/path/to/_screencasts/record.sh <script>
will save the recorded screencast to assets/<category>/<script_name>.cast