This is a complex of services for streaming build Sitemaps.xml and index of Sitemap.xml.
See protocol for more details.
- Streaming build (saves RAM);
- Parallel multiple streaming;
- Specify localized URL version;
- Automatically calculate URL priority;
- Automatically calculate URL change frequency;
- Sitemap overflow tracking by total links;
- Sitemap overflow tracking by used size;
- Protocol compliance tracking;
- Compression in gzip and deflate;
- Build a Sitemap for a site section (not only the root sitemap.xml);
- Groups URLs in several Sitemaps;
- Use URLs building services;
- Create a Sitemap with several URLs building services;
- Write a Sitemap to the file;
- Sends a Sitemap to the output buffer;
- Write a Sitemap.xml index into the file;
- Split a Sitemap on overflow;
- Split a Sitemap on overflow and write a part of Sitemap into the Sitemap.xml index;
- Write a Sitemap to a temporary folder to save the valid sitemap.xml in the destination path during build;
- Render a Sitemap by XMLWriter;
- Render a Sitemap as a plain text without any dependencies;
- Compressed or formatted XML;
- XML schema validation.
This is an example of how the sitemap.xml can be build by your console command. In this example, all site links are divided into groups and a build service is created for each group. In this example, a sitemap is build from 6675 links, but this approach also facilitates the build of large site maps for 100000 or 500000 links.
Pretty simple with Composer, run:
composer require gpslab/sitemap
// URLs on your site
$urls = [
'', // loc
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-06-15 13:39:46'), // lastmod
ChangeFrequency::always(), // changefreq
10 // priority
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-26 09:28:12'),
// file into which we will write a sitemap
$filename = __DIR__.'/sitemap.xml';
// configure stream
$render = new PlainTextSitemapRender();
$writer = new TempFileWriter();
$stream = new WritingStream($render, $writer, $filename);
// build sitemap.xml
foreach ($urls as $url) {
Result sitemap.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
How frequently the page is likely to change. This value provides general information to search engines and may not correlate exactly to how often they crawl the page.
You can define it:
As string
$change_frequency = 'daily';
As constant
$change_frequency = ChangeFrequency::DAILY;
As object
$change_frequency = ChangeFrequency::daily();
The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0. This value does not affect how your pages are compared to pages on other sites-it only lets the search engines know which pages you deem most important for the crawlers.
You can define it:
As string
$priority = '0.5';
As float
$priority = .5;
As integer
$priority = 5;
As object
$priority = Priority::create(5 /* string|float|int */);
If you have multiple versions of a page for different languages or regions, tell search bots about these different variations. Doing so will help search bots point users to the most appropriate version of your page by language or region.
// URLs on your site
$urls = [
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-06-15 13:39:46'),
'de' => '',
'de-ch' => '',
'en' => '',
'fr' => '',
'x-default' => '',
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-06-15 13:39:46'),
'de' => '',
'de-ch' => '',
'en' => '',
'fr' => '',
'x-default' => '',
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-06-15 13:39:46'),
'de' => '',
'de-ch' => '',
'en' => '',
'fr' => '',
'x-default' => '',
You can simplify the creation of URLs for localized versions of the same page within the same domain.
$urls = Url::createLanguageUrls(
'de' => '',
'de-ch' => '',
'en' => '',
'x-default' => '',
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-06-15 13:39:46'),
'fr' => '',
Result sitemap.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="de-ch" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="de-ch" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="de" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="de-ch" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href=""/>
<xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href=""/>
You can create a service that will return a links to pages of your site.
class MySiteUrlBuilder implements UrlBuilder
public function getIterator(): \Traversable
// add URLs on your site
return new \ArrayIterator([
'', // loc
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-06-15 13:39:46'), // lastmod
ChangeFrequency::always(), // changefreq
10 // priority
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-26 09:28:12'),
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-02 17:12:38'),
It was a simple build. We add a builder more complicated.
class ArticlesUrlBuilder implements UrlBuilder
private $pdo;
public function __construct(\PDO $pdo)
$this->pdo = $pdo;
public function getIterator(): \Traversable
$section_update_at = null;
$sth = $this->pdo->query('SELECT id, update_at FROM article');
while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$update_at = new \DateTimeImmutable($row['update_at']);
$section_update_at = max($section_update_at, $update_at);
// smart URL automatically fills fields that it can
yield Url::createSmart(
sprintf('', $row['id']),
// link to section
yield Url::create(
$section_update_at ?: new \DateTimeImmutable('-1 day'),
We take one of the exists builders and configure it.
// collect a collection of builders
$builders = new MultiUrlBuilder([
new MySiteUrlBuilder(),
new ArticlesUrlBuilder(/* $pdo */),
// file into which we will write a sitemap
$filename = __DIR__.'/sitemap.xml';
// configure stream
$render = new PlainTextSitemapRender();
$writer = new TempFileWriter();
$stream = new WritingStream($render, $writer, $filename);
// build sitemap.xml
foreach ($builders as $url) {
You can create Sitemap index to group multiple sitemap files. If you have already created portions of the Sitemap, you can simply create the Sitemap index.
// file into which we will write a sitemap
$filename = __DIR__.'/sitemap.xml';
// configure stream
$render = new PlainTextSitemapIndexRender();
$writer = new TempFileWriter();
$stream = new WritingIndexStream($render, $writer, $filename);
// build sitemap.xml index
$stream->pushSitemap(new Sitemap('', new \DateTimeImmutable('-1 hour')));
$stream->pushSitemap(new Sitemap('', new \DateTimeImmutable('-1 hour')));
$stream->pushSitemap(new Sitemap('', new \DateTimeImmutable('-1 hour')));
You can simplify splitting the list of URLs to partitions and creating a Sitemap index.
You can push URLs into the WritingSplitIndexStream
stream and he will write them to the partition of the Sitemap.
Upon reaching the partition size limit, the stream closes this partition, adds it to the index and opens the next
partition. This simplifies the building of a big sitemap and eliminates the need for follow size limits.
You'll get a Sitemap index sitemap.xml
and a few partitions sitemap1.xml
, sitemap2.xml
, sitemapN.xml
from a
large number of URLs.
// collect a collection of builders
$builders = new MultiUrlBuilder([
new MySiteUrlBuilder(),
new ArticlesUrlBuilder(/* $pdo */),
// file into which we will write a sitemap
$index_filename = __DIR__.'/sitemap.xml';
$index_render = new PlainTextSitemapIndexRender();
$index_writer = new TempFileWriter();
// file into which we will write a sitemap part
// filename should contain a directive like "%d"
$part_filename = __DIR__.'/sitemap%d.xml';
// web path to the sitemap.xml on your site
$part_web_path = '';
$part_render = new PlainTextSitemapRender();
// separate writer for part
// it's better not to use one writer as a part writer and a index writer
// this can cause conflicts in the writer
$part_writer = new TempFileWriter();
// configure stream
$stream = new WritingSplitIndexStream(
// build sitemap.xml index file and sitemap1.xml, sitemap2.xml, sitemapN.xml with URLs
$i = 0;
foreach ($builders as $url) {
// not forget free memory
if (++$i % 100 === 0) {
// you can add a link to a sitemap created earlier
$stream->pushSitemap(new Sitemap('', new \DateTimeImmutable('-1 hour')));
As a result, you will get a file structure like this:
You may not want to break all URLs to a partitions like with WritingSplitIndexStream
stream. You might want to make
several partition groups. For example, to create a partition group that contains only URLs to news on your website, a
partition group for articles, and a group with all other URLs.
This can help identify problems in a specific URLs group. Also, you can configure your application to reassemble only individual groups if necessary, and not the entire map.
Warning. The list of partitions is stored in the WritingSplitStream
stream and a large number of partitions
can use a lot of memory.
// file into which we will write a sitemap
$index_filename = __DIR__.'/sitemap.xml';
$index_render = new PlainTextSitemapIndexRender();
$index_writer = new TempFileWriter();
// separate writer for part
$part_writer = new TempFileWriter();
$part_render = new PlainTextSitemapRender();
// create a stream for news
// file into which we will write a sitemap part
// filename should contain a directive like "%d"
$news_filename = __DIR__.'/sitemap_news%d.xml';
// web path to sitemap parts on your site
$news_web_path = '/sitemap_news%d.xml';
$news_stream = new WritingSplitStream($part_render, $part_writer, $news_filename, $news_web_path);
// similarly create a stream for articles
$articles_filename = __DIR__.'/sitemap_articles%d.xml';
$articles_web_path = '/sitemap_articles%d.xml';
$articles_stream = new WritingSplitStream($part_render, $part_writer, $articles_filename, $articles_web_path);
// similarly create a main stream
$main_filename = __DIR__.'/sitemap_main%d.xml';
$main_web_path = '/sitemap_main%d.xml';
$main_stream = new WritingSplitStream($part_render, $part_writer, $main_filename, $main_web_path);
// build sitemap.xml index
// build parts of a sitemap group
foreach ($news_urls as $url) {
// add all parts to the index
foreach ($news_stream->getSitemaps() as $sitemap) {
// close the stream only after adding all parts to the index
// otherwise the list of parts will be cleared
// similarly for articles stream
foreach ($article_urls as $url) {
foreach ($articles_stream->getSitemaps() as $sitemap) {
// similarly for main stream
foreach ($main_urls as $url) {
foreach ($main_stream->getSitemaps() as $sitemap) {
// finish create index
As a result, you will get a file structure like this:
- allows to use multiple streams as one;WritingStream
- useWriter
for write a Sitemap;WritingIndexStream
- writes a Sitemap index withWriter
- split list URLs to sitemap parts and write its withWriter
to a Sitemap index;WritingSplitStream
- split list URLs and write its withWriter
to a Sitemaps;OutputStream
- sends a Sitemap to the output buffer. You can use it in controllers;LoggerStream
- use PSR-3 for log added URLs.
You can use a composition of streams.
$stream = new MultiStream(
new LoggerStream(/* $logger */),
new WritingSplitIndexStream(
new PlainTextSitemapIndexRender(),
new PlainTextSitemapRender(),
new TempFileWriter(),
new GzipTempFileWriter(9),
Streaming to file and compress result without index.
$render = new PlainTextSitemapRender();
$stream = new MultiStream(
new LoggerStream(/* $logger */),
new WritingStream($render, new GzipTempFileWriter(9), __DIR__.'/sitemap.xml.gz'),
new WritingStream($render, new TempFileWriter(), __DIR__.'/sitemap.xml')
Streaming to file and output buffer.
$render = new PlainTextSitemapRender();
$stream = new MultiStream(
new LoggerStream(/* $logger */),
new WritingStream($render, new TempFileWriter(), __DIR__.'/sitemap.xml'),
new OutputStream($render)
- write a Sitemap to the file;TempFileWriter
- write a Sitemap to the temporary file and move in to target directory after finish writing;GzipFileWriter
- write a Sitemap to the file compressed by gzip;GzipTempFileWriter
- write a Sitemap to the temporary file compressed by gzip and move in to target directory after finish writing.DeflateFileWriter
- write a Sitemap to the file compressed by deflate;DeflateTempFileWriter
- write a Sitemap to the temporary file compressed by deflate and move in to target directory after finish writing.
If you install the XMLWriter PHP extension, you can use
and XMLWriterSitemapIndexRender
. Otherwise you can use PlainTextSitemapRender
who do not require any dependencies and are more economical.
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the file: LICENSE