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Apache Hadoop mixin

The Apache Hadoop mixin is a set of configurable Grafana dashboards and alerts.

The Apache Hadoop mixin contains the following dashboards:

  • Apache Hadoop NameNode overview
  • Apache Hadoop DataNode overview
  • Apache Hadoop NodeManager overview
  • Apache Hadoop ResourceManager overview

and the following alerts:

  • ApacheHadoopLowHDFSCapacity
  • ApacheHadoopHDFSMissingBlocks
  • ApacheHadoopHDFSHighVolumeFailures
  • ApacheHadoopHighDeadDataNodes
  • ApacheHadoopHighNodeManagerCPUUsage
  • ApacheHadoopHighNodeManagerMemoryUsage
  • ApacheHadoopHighResourceManagerVirtualCoreCPUUsage
  • ApacheHadoopHighResourceManagerMemoryUsage

Apache Hadoop NameNode overview

The Apache Hadoop NameNode overview dashboard provides details on all DataNode state, capacity utilization, total, missing and under-replicated blocks, volume failures, total file and total load.

First screenshot of the Apache Hadoop NameNode overview dashboard Second screenshot of the Apache Hadoop NameNode overview dashboard

Apache Hadoop DataNode overview

The Apache Hadoop DataNode overview dashboard provides details on the number of unread blocks evicted, blocks removed and volume failures.

First screenshot of the Apache Hadoop DataNode overview dashboard

Apache Hadoop NodeManager overview

The Apache Hadoop NodeManager overview dashboard provides details on number of applications running, allocated containers, containers localization duration, launch duration and state, JVM resource metrics, Node resource metrics and container resource metrics.

First screenshot of the Apache Hadoop NodeManager overview dashboard Second screenshot of the Apache Hadoop NodeManager overview dashboard

Apache ResourceManager overview

The Apache Hadoop ResourceManager overview dashboard provides details on Node Managers state, application state and resource metrics and JVM resource metrics.

First screenshot of the Apache Hadoop ResourceManager overview dashboard Second screenshot of the Apache Hadoop ResourceManager overview dashboard


To get Apache Hadoop NameNode, DataNode, NodeManager or ResourceManager logs on the related dashboard, Promtail and Loki needs to be installed and provisioned for logs with your Grafana instance. The default Apache Hadoop log path is indicated in the HADOOP_LOG_DIR for your system located in /etc/hadoop/conf. An example log path may look like /hadoop/logs/*.log on Linux.

Hadoop NameNode, DataNode, NodeManager and ResourceManager logs are enabled by default in the config.libsonnet and can be removed by setting enableLokiLogs to false. Then run make again to regenerate the dashboard:

  _config+:: {
    enableLokiLogs: false,

In order for the selectors to properly work for system logs ingested into your logs datasource, please also include the matching instance, job, and hadoop_cluster labels onto the scrape_configs as to match the labels for ingested metrics.

  - job_name: integrations/apache-hadoop
      - targets: [localhost]
          job: integrations/apache-hadoop
          instance: '<your-instance-name>'
          hadoop_cluster: '<your-cluster-name>'
          __path__: '<your-log-path>'

Alerts overview

ApacheHadoopLowHDFSCapacity - Remaining HDFS cluster capacity is low which may result in DataNode failures or prevent DataNodes from writing data. ApacheHadoopHDFSMissingBlocks - There are missing blocks in the HDFS cluster which may indicate potential data loss. ApacheHadoopHDFSHighVolumeFailures - A volume failure in HDFS cluster may indicate hardware failures. ApacheHadoopHighDeadDataNodes - Number of dead DataNodes has increased, which could result in data loss and increased network activity. ApacheHadoopHighNodeManagerCPUUsage - A NodeManager has a CPU usage higher than the configured threshold. ApacheHadoopHighNodeManagerMemoryUsage - A NodeManager has a higher memory utilization than the configured threshold. ApacheHadoopHighResourceManagerVirtualCoreCPUUsage - A ResourceManager has a virtual core CPU usage higher than the configured threshold. ApacheHadoopHighResourceManagerMemoryUsage - A ResourceManager has a higher memory utilization than the configured threshold.

Install Tools

For linting and formatting, you would also need mixtool and jsonnetfmt installed. If you have a working Go development environment, it's easiest to run the following:

go install
go install
go install

The files in dashboards_out need to be imported into your Grafana server. The exact details will be depending on your environment.

prometheus_alerts.yaml needs to be imported into Prometheus.

Generate Dashboards And Alerts

Edit config.libsonnet if required and then build JSON dashboard files for Grafana:


For more advanced uses of mixins, see