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Istio mixin

The Istio mixin is a set of configurable Grafana dashboards and alerts.

The Istio mixin contains the following dashboards:

  • Istio overview
  • Istio services overview
  • Istio workloads overview
  • Istio logs

and the following alerts:

  • IstioHighRequestLatencyWarning
  • IstioGalleyValidationFailuresWarning
  • IstioListenerConfigConflictsCritical
  • IstioXDSConfigRejectionsWarning
  • IstioHighHTTPRequestErrorsCritical
  • IstioHighGRPCRequestErrorsCritical
  • IstioMetricsDown

Istio overview

The Istio overview dashboard provides high level details on alerts, HTTP/GRPC requests, vCPU, memory, control plane metrics, and service info for Istiod, proxies, and gateways. Istio overview dashboard (system) Istio overview dashboard (control plane)

Istio services overview

The Istio services overview dashboard provides details on HTTP/GRPC throughput, HTTP/GRPC response time, TCP throughput, and workload info for services acting in both client and server roles. Istio services overview dashboard (client) Istio services overview dashboard (server) Istio services overview dashboard (workloads)

Istio workloads overview

The Istio workloads overview dashboard provides details on HTTP/GRPC throughput, HTTP/GRPC response time, and TCP throughput for workloads acting in both client and server roles. Istio workloads overview dashboard (client) Istio workloads overview dashboard (server) Istio workloads overview dashboard (server TCP)

Istio logs

The Istio logs dashboard provides details on incoming envoy proxy access logs. Istio logs dashboard

Istio logs are enabled by default in the config.libsonnet and can be disabled by setting enableLokiLogs to false. Then run make again to regenerate the dashboard:

  _config+:: {
    enableLokiLogs: false,

For the selectors to properly work with the Istio logs ingested into your logs datasource, replace the cluster labels as well as ensuring that the request_method, response_code, and protocol are being generated.

  discovery.kubernetes "istiod" {
    role = "endpoints"

    namespaces {
      names = ["istio-system"]

  discovery.relabel "istiod_filter" {
    targets = discovery.kubernetes.istiod.targets

    rule {
      source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_service_name", "__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name"]
      regex         = "istiod;http-monitoring"
      action        = "keep"

    rule {
      action = "replace"
      source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_pod_name"]
      target_label  = "pod"

    rule {
      target_label  = "cluster"
      replacement   = "<your-cluster-name>"

  prometheus.scrape "istiod" {
    targets    = discovery.relabel.istiod_filter.output
    forward_to = []
    job_name   = "integrations/istio"

  discovery.kubernetes "envoy_proxies" {
    role = "pod"

  discovery.relabel "envoy_proxies_metrics_filter" {
    targets = discovery.kubernetes.envoy_proxies.targets

    rule {
      source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name"]
      regex         = "istio-proxy.*"
      action        = "keep"

    rule {
      source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port", "__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip"]
      regex         = "(\\d+);(([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}::?){1,7}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4})"
      target_label  = "__address__"
      replacement   = "[$2]:$1"

    rule {
      source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port", "__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip"]
      regex         = "(\\d+);((([0-9]+?)(\\.|$)){4})"
      target_label  = "__address__"
      replacement   = "$2:$1"

    rule {
      action = "replace"
      source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_pod_name"]
      target_label  = "pod"

    rule {
      target_label  = "cluster"
      replacement   = "<your-cluster-name>"

  prometheus.scrape "envoy_proxies" {
    targets      = discovery.relabel.envoy_proxies_metrics_filter.output
    forward_to   = []
    job_name     = "integrations/istio"
    metrics_path = "/stats/prometheus"

  loki.source.kubernetes "envoy_proxies" {
    targets    = discovery.relabel.envoy_proxies_logs_filter.output
    forward_to = [loki.process.istio_access.receiver, loki.process.istio_system.receiver]

  discovery.relabel "envoy_proxies_logs_filter" {
    targets = discovery.kubernetes.envoy_proxies.targets

    rule {
      source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name"]
      regex         = ".*-envoy-prom"
      action        = "keep"

    rule {
      source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port", "__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip"]
      regex         = "(\\d+);(([A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4}::?){1,7}[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,4})"
      target_label  = "instance"
      replacement   = "[$2]:$1"

    rule {
      source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port", "__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip"]
      regex         = "(\\d+);((([0-9]+?)(\\.|$)){4})"
      target_label  = "instance"
      replacement   = "$2:$1"

    rule {
      target_label  = "job"
      replacement   = "integrations/istio"

    rule {
      target_label  = "cluster"
      replacement   = "<your-cluster-name>"

    rule {
      action = "replace"
      source_labels = ["__meta_kubernetes_pod_name"]
      target_label  = "pod"

  loki.process "istio_system" {
    forward_to = []

    stage.drop {
      expression = "^\\[.*"

    stage.multiline {
      firstline = "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}"

  loki.process "istio_access" {
    forward_to = [loki.write.<name>.receiver]

    stage.drop {
      expression = "^[^\\[].*"

    stage.regex {
      expression = "\\[\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d{3}Z\\] \"(?P<request_method>\\w+) \\S+ (?P<protocol>\\S+)\" (?P<response_code>\\d+) .+"

    stage.labels {
      values = {
        request_method  = "",
        protocol = "",
        response_code = "",

Alerts overview

  • IstioHighRequestLatencyWarning: High request latency between pods can indicate that there are performance issues within the k8s environment.
  • IstioGalleyValidationFailuresWarning: Istio Galley is reporting failures for a number of configurations.
  • IstioListenerConfigConflictsCritical: Istio Pilot is seeing a number of inbound and or outbound listener conflicts by envoy proxies.
  • IstioXDSConfigRejectionsWarning: Istio Pilot is seeing a number of xDS rejections from envoy proxies..
  • IstioHighHTTPRequestErrorsCritical: There are a high number of HTTP request errors in the Istio system.
  • IstioHighGRPCRequestErrorsCritical: There are a high number of GRPC request errors in the Istio system.
  • IstioMetricsDown: Istio metrics are down.

Default thresholds can be configured in config.libsonnet.

    _configs+:: {
      // alerts thresholds
      alertsWarningHighRequestLatency: 4000,
      alertsWarningGalleyValidationFailures: 0,
      alertsCriticalListenerConfigConflicts: 0,
      alertsWarningXDSConfigRejections: 0,
      alertsCriticalHTTPRequestErrorPercentage: 5, //%
      alertsCriticalGRPCRequestErrorPercentage: 5, //%

Install tools

go install
go install

For linting and formatting, you would also need jsonnetfmt installed. If you have a working Go development environment, it's easiest to run the following:

go install

The files in dashboards_out need to be imported into your Grafana server. The exact details will be depending on your environment.

prometheus_alerts.yaml needs to be imported into Prometheus.

Generate dashboards and alerts

Edit config.libsonnet if required and then build JSON dashboard files for Grafana:


For more advanced uses of mixins, see