This plugin allows you to easily download files from Telegram servers. Check out the official plugin page for further documentation.
import { Bot, Context } from 'grammy'
import { hydrateFiles, FileFlavor } from '@grammyjs/files'
// Transformative API flavor
type MyContext = FileFlavor<Context>
// Create bot
const bot = new Bot<MyContext>('')
// Install plugin
// Download videos and GIFs to temporary files
bot.on([':video', ':animation'], async ctx => {
// Prepare file for download
const file = await ctx.getFile()
// Download file to temporary location on your disk
const path = await
// Print file path
console.log('File saved at', path)
You can pass a string with a file path to download
if you don't want to create a temporary file. Just do await'/path/to/file')