An example that consists of basic core GraphQL queries and mutations.
To run the example navigate to the example directory by using your shell of choice.
cd examples/todo
Run the example, it will spawn a GraphQL HTTP endpoint
go run main.go
Execute queries via shell.
// To get single ToDo item by ID
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/graphql?query={todo(id:"b"){id,text,done}}'
// To create a ToDo item
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/graphql?query=mutation+_{createTodo(text:"My+new+todo"){id,text,done}}'
// To get a list of ToDo items
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/graphql?query={todoList{id,text,done}}'
// To update a ToDo
curl -g 'http://localhost:8080/graphql?query=mutation+_{updateTodo(id:"b",text:"My+new+todo+updated",done:true){id,text,done}}'
Access the web app at http://localhost:8080/
. It is work in progress and currently is simply loading todos by using jQuery ajax call.