for forked starred repositories
Clear filter
Free, open-source postal code and ZIP code lookup API
ThisIsJohnBrown / hhhhold-js
Forked from imsky/holderHhhhold.js renders image placeholders entirely on the client side.
weightshift / FitVids.js
Forked from davatron5000/FitVids.jsA lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.
jonleighton / mail_view
Forked from basecamp/mail_viewVisual email testing
grassynoel / SlickGrid
Forked from mleibman/SlickGridA lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet
Examples for SpecFlow usage
grassynoel / SpecFlow
Forked from xerxesb/SpecFlowBinding business requirements to .Net code
grassynoel / chosen
Forked from harvesthq/chosenChosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more friendly.