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118 lines (112 loc) · 1.92 KB


Electron-Driven Discrete-Dipole Approximation (e-DDA): Extension of the optical DDA to include an electron beam source to simulate experiments in electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS).

PLEASE NOTE. This code is an extension of Draine and Flatau's DDSCAT 7.1. The following files have been unmodified from DDSCAT 7.1:

alphadiag.f90 blas.f90 calltarget.f90 ccgpack.f90 cgcommon.f90 copyit.f90 cprod.f90 cxfft3_mkl.f90 cxfft3_mkl_fake.f90 cxfft3n.f90 xfftw_fake.f90 ddcommon.f90 ddcommon_1.mod ddcommon_10.mod eddcommon_2.mod ddcommon_3.mod ddcommon_4.mod ddcommon_5.mod ddcommon_6.mod ddcommon_7.mod ddcommon_8.mod ddcommon_9.mod ddfield.f90 ddpol.f90 ddprecision.f90 ddprecision.mod dielec.f90 divide.f90 dsyevj3.f90 dummy.f90 errmsg.f90 eself.f90 evala.f90 evale.xbeam.f90 extend.f90 gasdev.f90 getmueller.f90 gpfa.f90 interp.f90 mpi_bcast_char.f90 mpi_bcast_cplx.f90 mpi_bcast_int.f90 mpi_bcast_int2.f90 mpi_bcast_real.f90 mpi_fake.f90 mpi_subs.f90 namer.f90 namer2.f90 namid.f90 nuller.f90 orient.f90 p_lm.f90 pbcscavec.f90 pim.f90 prinaxis.f90 ran3.f90 readpol.f90 reashp.f90 reduce.f90 restore.f90 rot2.f90 rotate.f90 scat.f90 scavec.f90 sizer.f90 tar2el.f90 tar2sp.f90 tar3el.f90 taranirec.f90 tarblocks.f90 tarcel.f90 tarcyl.f90 tarcylcap.f90 tarell.f90 target.f90 targspher.f90 tarhex.f90 tarlyrslab.f90 tarnas.f90 tarnsp.f90 tarpbxn.f90 tarprsm.f90 tarrctblk3.f90 tarrec.f90 tarrecrec.f90 tarslbhol.f90 tartet.f90 timeit.f90 version.f90 wrimsg.f90 writebin.f90 writefml.f90 writepol.f90 zbcg2wp.f90

The following files have either been modified or were written entirely by the Masiello Research Group at the University of Washington:

besseli0.f90 besseli1.f90 besselk0.f90 besselk1.f90 ddscat.f90 evale.f90 evalq.f90 getfml.f90 Makfile reapar.f90 writesca.f90