[] []...
pginstall is The PostgreSQL Extension Installer server.
: Show command usage summary and exit. -
: Show pginstall version string and exit. -
: Be verbose. -
: Show debug level information messages. -
: Use the given configuration file (default to "~/.pginstall.ini").
The pginstall binary allows both running and controling the pginstall server and managing extension builds and upload from a buildfarm animal.
While it's possible to ship a configuration file or to prepare it by hand, the following commands allow to control the setup from the command line.
config [ name ] [ value ]
Without arguments, print the whole configuration file content. When given a variable name, print its current value. When given both a name and a value, set the configuration variable to the given value.
config get <name>
Print the current value of the configuration variable name.
config set <name> <value>
Set the variable name to the given value.
The PostgreSQL Extension Installer comes with a PostgreSQL plugin that downloads static files: that part doesn't need any server at all. This server is meant to be used by maintainers of a set of extension archives, when they want to ease the maintenance and setup of the building.
server start
Start the embedded pginstall HTTP server on the port it's been setup to listen to, which defaults to 8042. The
server stop
Stops the server.
server status
Print the result of querying the HTTP status API against the (hopefully) running server.
server status
Print the registered pid of the server process. This information might be stale in case of unexpected termination of the server.
server reload
Forces the server to reload its configuration file.
server setup <dburi>
Connects to the PostgreSQL database specified with the dburi parameter and install the database model there.
The PostgreSQL Extension Installer allows controlling a build farm where animal are building extensions binary archives to be distributed to users.
animal register
Before using an animal as a build farm member, it needs to register against the server. That only allows the server to remember if a build has been started on some animal. This command assigns a name (randomly, from an hard-coded list) to the current animal and sets the name into its configuration file.
animal find pgconfig
Search in the
entries to use when building an extension. That list is dynamically built each time an extension is to be built, so the command serves to debug this animal automated setup. -
animal list pgconfig
Print the
entries known to the server for this animal. The list is sent at register time and can evolve without pginstall being involved. -
animal add pgconfig <path>
Send a new
path entry to the server, for maintaining the information up-to-date. -
animal config
Print the current animal configuration.
animal build
Ask the server for an extension to build for our platform, then build the extension archives (one archve per
entry) and upload them all on the server. -
Print information about the current animal: its name and platform.
It's also possible to use pginstall as a developper, to simply build an archive for a given extension.
build <uri>
Build the extension whose sources are to be found at the given git uri.
The pginstall server is meant to manage a list of extensions. While it's possible to use the embedded web server to list and add extensions, it's also possible to do it on the command line.
extension list
List all extensions known on the server.
extension add <uri>
Add an extension to the server, given its github uri.
queue <name>
extension queue <name>
Queue an extension to be built on by the build farm animals. That way you can schedule in a single command a build for all the binary architectures you support.
fetch <name> <pgversion> [ <dir> ]
Fetches the archive file for a given extension name and a specific PostgreSQL version pgversion, in either the current working directory or given dir, by asking the pginstall server.
Dimitri Fontaine [email protected]
The pginstall source code and all documentation may be downloaded from