Author: Grzegorz Gajda [email protected]
If you don't want to use CURLConnection
class, I added built-in integration with guzzlehttp/guzzle package. Since version 1.1.0, default provider for HTTP connection is GuzzleConnection
First, we need to create instance of RegisterKey
object to verify our key. We can use ComicVine
static class to make that object.
$apiKey = ComicVine::makeApiKey('YOUR_KEY');
Next, we need register key and connection to ComicVine
class. By default, method register
use built-in CURLConnection
class to make connections. Then, you haven't to write second argument.
ComicVine::register($instanceOfRegisterKey, $instanceOfConnection = null)
After registering, we can creating query to ComicVine API. But by default, response will be in XML format. We can change response format by creating instance of ResponseFormat
$responseFormat = ComicVine::createFormat('json');
and then using query (we want to find url to Batman:
$response = ComicVine::getCharacters()
->setFilters(['name' => 'Batman']
Now, variable $response
keep our JSON response from ComicVine API.
List of implemented resources:
URL | method | implemented? |
/character | none | false |
/characters | getCharacters | true |
/chat | none | false |
/chats | getChats | true |
/concept | none | false |
/concepts | getConcepts | true |
/episode | none | false |
/episodes | getEpisodes | true |
/issue | none | false |
/issues | getIssues | true |
/location | none | false |
/locations | getLocations | true |
/movie | none | false |
/movies | getMovies | true |
/object | none | false |
/objects | getObjects | true |
/origin | none | false |
/origins | getOrigins | true |
/person | none | false |
/people | getPeople | true |
/power | none | false |
/powers | getPowers | true |
/promo | none | false |
/promos | getPromos | true |
/publisher | none | false |
/publishers | getPublishers | true |
/series | none | false |
/series_list | getSeriesList | true |
/search | getSearch | false |
/story_arc | none | false |
/story_arcs | getStoryArcs | true |
/team | none | false |
/teams | getTeams | true |
/video | none | false |
/videos | getVideos | false |
/video_type | none | false |
/video_types | getVideoTypes | true |
/volume | none | false |
/volumes | getVolumes | true |
Calling each one of get
method creating a new instance of ControllerQuery
class. ControllerQuery
class allows us to:
* Argument for setFieldList is array containing
* only names of fields which we want.
$response->setFieldList(['api_detail_url', 'aliases'])
* Set filters to find resource you want. It needs key => value
* schema and allows for many filters.
->setFilters(['name' => 'Batman', 'aliases' => 'Fatherless'])
* Allows to sort response. Key is name of field, value is asc or desc
* only.
->setSort(['date_added' => 'asc'])
* Set how much elements do you want to get. Maximum limit is 100
* (API restrictions).
* From which position we would want to start getting elements.
* After setting request query (set methods), times to get
* response. Get response return XML object or JSON string.
Looking on current state of package, you can write your own Connection
class (must implement interface Connection
) and ResponseFormat
(must implement interface ResponseFormat
). We can use new Connection
class in ComicVine::register()
method and new ResponseFormat
class in setFormat
The package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license