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This is a library providing fast tank stat optimizations with a node.js interface.


This is installable via npm: npm install swtor-tanking

Then you can use it via the following:

var sto = require("swtor-tanking");

var combatAndShieldData = {
  dmgMRKE: 0.5 //pct damage melee and ranged, kinetic and energy type
, dmgFTKE: 0.4 //pct damage force and tech, kinetic and energy type
, dmgFTIE: 0.1 //pct damage force and tech, internal and elemental type
, shieldLow: 0.0 //lower bound on shield as a percent of total budget
, shieldHigh: 1.0 //upper bound on shield as a percent of total budget
, timePerSwing: 1.0 //time between each incoming swing

var classData = {
  defenseAdd: 0.0 //additions to defense from set, tree, etc.
, defenseBonus: 0.0 //bonuses to defense from skills, accuracy debuffs, etc.
, shieldAdd: 0.0 //additions to shield from set, tree, etc.
, shieldBonus: 0.0 //bonuses to shield from skills, accuracy debuffs, etc.
, absorbAdd: 0.0 //additions to absorb from set, tree, etc.
, absorbBonus: 0.0 //bonuses to absorb from skills, accuracy debuffs, etc.
, drAddKE: 0.0 //additions to Kinetic and Energy damage reduction
, drAddIE: 0.0 //additions to Internal and Elemental damage reduction
, drBonus: 0.0 //bonus damage reduction from skills, etc.
, resistPct: 0.0 //chance to resist Force and Tech attacks
, useKW: 0 //0 - no Kinetic Ward in calculations, 1 - calculate using kinetic ward

var relicData = {
  numRelics: 2 //number of relics
, relic1: {
    type: 1 //1 = proc, 2 = click
  , stat: 1 //1 = defense, 2 = shield, 3 = absorb
  , rating: 510 //rating added
  , rate: 0.3 //chance of proccing (shield chance is built in elsewhere, so absorb proc on shield is stat 3, rate 1.0)
  , duration: 6 //duration of the proc in seconds
  , cooldown: 20 //internal cooldown in seconds
  , can_stack: 0 //very few relics can stack, but this is 1 if it can
, relic2: {
    type: 2 //click
  , stat1: 2
  , rating1: 265
  , stat2: 3 //this can be 0 if it is a defense click or the like, and this stat will be ignored
  , rating2: 265
  , duration: 20
  , cooldown: 120
  //click relics ignore can_stack, since none can

var startingStats = {
  startingDef: 0 //rating
, startingShield: 0 //rating
, startingAbsorb: 0 //rating

var armor = 9000;
var stim = 70;

sto.optimizer.optimize(combatAndShieldData, classData, relicData, startingStats, armor, stim, function (err, result){
  if (err){
    //handle error
  else {
    result.before holds the initial data
    result.after holds the optimized data
    Object.keys(result.before) === Object.keys(result.after) === [
      defRating //defense rating
    , shieldRating //shield rating
    , absorbRating //absorb rating
    , defPctNBNS //defense chance % before bonus, before stim
    , defPctNB //defense chance % before bonus, with stim
    , defPct //effective defense chance %
    , shieldPctNB //shield chance % before bonus
    , shieldPct //effective shield chance %
    , absorbPctNB //absorb chance % before bonus
    , absorbPct //effective absorb chance %
    , drKENB //damage reduction Kinetic and Energy, before bonus
    , drKE //effective damage reduction Kinetic and Energy
    , drIENB //damage reduction Internal and Elemental, before bonus
    , drIE //effective damage reduction Internal and Elemental
    , mitigation //percent of damage mitigated, on average

After the armor parameter and before the callback you can also optionally pass the number of samples to take (not commonly used, default is 10,000).


MIT (see LICENSE file)


Tanking stat optimizations for SW:TOR







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